Your 7 Favorite Moonshine Infusions We Made in 2017

We'd call 2017 the year of moonshine, but who are we kidding—every year is a moonshine year around here. When our Test Kitchen was crafting recipes this year, we wanted to focus on infusions. Not only were infusions one of the most searched terms this year, but they are such an easy DIY project, it seems silly to not have a jar of something infusing in the pantry at all times. While our recipes for moonshine infusions start with a base of Everclear or commercially distilled 'shine, it's only because we can't promote independent distilling...because it's illegal.

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That being said, here are the 7 moonshine infusions that y'all loved and made the most this year. To access the recipe, click on the title or the photo!

7. Caramel Apple Moonshine


6. Pumpkin Spice Moonshine


5. Raspberry Moonshine


4. Green Apple Moonshine


3. Cherry Pie Moonshine


2. Sweet Tea Moonshine


1. Dreamsicle Moonshine


Did you make any of our infusions this year? Let us know in the comments, or recommend flavors you'd like to see us make!

Watch: How to Make Apple Pie Moonshine Punch