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Danica Patrick Doesn't Believe The Moon Landing Is Real: "I Don't Care If You Think I'm Crazy"

I thought we left the moon landing conspiracies in the past. Usually, this sticks in the odd discussion portion of a Joe Rogan podcast interview. Then, it fades away as another passive talking point. Who knew Danica Patrick would be the one to spark the discussion once again?

For context purposes, here's a brief history lesson. In 1969, the United States proudly stand as the first country to send people to the moon. The theory suggests that the Soviet Union were technologically ahead of the United States in the race to the moon. As a result, America improvises and stages the event. Anything to get a leg up on the competition.

I think this gives the US a whole lot of credit. I'm of the thinking that this world is filled with double the mundane idiocy compared to the genius savants out there. It takes a pretty large stroke of luck and cooperation to keep everyone hush about this coverup. However, it's also hard to deny that America would be desperate to prove their dominance over any opposing country. If that means taking shortcuts, so be it. Ultimately, I'm not inclined to believe there's enough meat on the bone to buy this.

What's The Argument For Faking The Moon Landing?

Here's where Danica Patrick comes in. She goes on Instagram to repost a clip of, ironically enough, the Joe Rogan Podcast. Bart Sibrel is a prominent conspiracy theorist, one of the primary voices who believes the US faked their moon landing. He believes so much, one of the astronauts, Buzz Aldrin, punched him in the face over the claim. After all that, he's still standing on his stance.

He explains to Rogan why he believes so strongly that the whole event is a sham. "If you really went to the moon and spent $200 billion you would never destroy the technology," he emphasizes. "But one of the clips we have is them saying that they intentionally destroyed all of the equipment to go to the moon. All the diagrams, all the hardware, all the schematics, all the original telemetry of where the rocket was at the time, and all the original videotapes."

Patrick shares the clip with her followers, captioning, "This is definitely one of the conspiracy's I believe. I don't care if you think I'm crazy. I already know I am."

You would think there might be a strong set of detractors to this theory. But in a newly conspiracy riddled America, more are inclined to back up her thinking. The no's squeaked past those who said yes when she asks if we actually landed on the moon.