This Father Singing Elvis Presley To His Newborn May Be The Cutest Thing Ever
Photos By Instagram/tereza.adams and Archive Photos/Getty Images

This Father Singing Elvis Presley To His Newborn May Be The Cutest Thing Ever

Fine, fine, you got me, internet. This dad singing Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Falling in Love" to his newborn is single-handedly the sweetest thing I've ever seen. One of them, anyway. That's the intro, and here's the video for your viewing pleasure!

Yes, I know it's staged to heck and back. The carefully placed baby gives up the ghost on that one. But it's so adorable. And you know who agrees with me? The internet!

"Stop it. The guitar sound that heard directly by sticking ear on guitar side is too loud even for adult. Now you put it on baby. Stop it for her own good. I am guitarist for 14 years and now my right ear is slightly deaf to my left one," one Instagram user says! ...Wait. That's not praise! It's really good information to know, actually.

"All I see is a fathers love and a few comments by women whom clearly never was loved by their own fathers. And seek attention in all the wrong places either trapped in a marriage of convenience or single by their own bad decisions. You keep playing that guitar with your little angel. So she understands just how important she is and she will gravitate towards men of worth and integrity who will adore her as much as you do," another user passionately stated.

...What are we doing here, guys? Can I please have a comment that's not oddly informative or utterly unhinged?!

A Father Plays Elvis Presley Songs To His Newborn, And It's Adorable

"That child is going to become a great artist in 15 years or a little more, you will see him be a great guitarist and a great artist. Very good of you, instruct him and let him not use a table or cell phone but rather the guitar and his voice to delight the world."

"In 15 years or a little more." You gotta love it. I mean, hey, that user isn't wrong. That's roughly the age you can audition for American Idol or The Voice. Well, that's enough of the internet being weird for now, friends. Until next time! ("Next time" means in the following half-hour when the next hot article drops!)