Florida Woman Reflects On Her Close Call With Notorious Serial Killer
Image via FBI

Florida Woman Reflects On Her Close Call With Notorious Serial Killer

Serial killer Christopher Wilder killed at least eight women in a spree that lasted months. However, he almost added another woman to his list. Now, 63-years-old, LeAnne is reflecting on a close call she had with the serial killer when she was 16.

LeAnne was hanging out with her friends in Florida when Wilder approached her about a potential modeling gig. At the time, LeAnne thought the man was legitimate. She spent the next several hours talking to the serial killer.

"And because they were so affable and sweet, chatting to all of us girls there, they completely disarmed me. And I got up to go talk to this person and found him to be very polite, very professional," LeAnne told Fox News Digital. "He was wearing shorts, maybe a polo-style shirt or a button-front shirt.... He presented his business card to me, and as a 16-year-old, I completely believed his spiel. And the girls were right there."

Known as the Snapshot Killer and Beauty Queen Killer, Wilder stalked women at shopping malls and beaches. One of his ruses was offering them modeling gigs. He later died in a shootout with police following a reign of terror. LeAnne and the serial killer ended up getting a drink to discuss the modeling gig.

Serial Killer Close Encounter

"I cannot explain it. He was incredibly poised. And asked certain things about my goals in life and that sort of thing. Put yourself back in the place of the very first time you had a job interview. It was very much like that," she said. "He would make commentary about fashion trends and... he seemed to be very knowledgeable. But I'm 5-foot-4. I never thought about modeling. I was a cute girl, but I was not a beauty queen."

She said that Wilder pretended to call an associate about a modeling gig at a payphone. He then suggested that the go to the mall in his vehicle to look at fashion trends.

"There was a grassy area under some trees in the car park, and he said, 'OK, let's talk about performance,' then said, 'I want you to close your eyes and seduce me with your face.' At 16 years old, other than a romantic movie, I didn't know how to look," LeAnne said, adding that he did not try to touch her or have her touch him at that point. "I just had to put on these facial expressions with my eyes closed. And then he said, 'OK. Do you know about trust activities?'"

The serial killer suggested he blindfold LeAnne until the got to the mall. It's something that she agreed to. On the way, the two talked about church and the youth choir. He asked her to sing for him. "I'm in this car wearing the blindfold, singing, 'Glory, glory, hallelujah,' a cappella. I mean, it's the most ridiculous thing," she said. "I would not have done something like that - singing for some random person, blindfolded in a vehicle - had I not entirely believed everything that he had said."

Ultimately, things took a dark turn when the serial killer exposed himself. LeAnne was shocked at Wilder's gesture.

"And once I had the blindfold on, he took my left hand, pulled it across the console, and he put it on his lap. I was stunned - absolutely stunned - to know that he had exposed himself. He had pulled himself out of his zipper. You could have knocked me over with a feather," she said. "I did not think this man was a pervert."

LeAnne removed her hand and began to cry. For whatever reason, Wilder let her go. "He said, 'OK, sweetheart... I'll tell you what, why don't you go ahead and hop on out?' I lived fairly close to that shopping mall. He said, head on home. Get something cool to drink. And then I will be in touch with you and your mom on Monday," LeAnne said.

It wasn't until years later that she learned that Wilder was a serial killer. She later heard his case and decided to Google him.

She said, "And there was his mugshot. And I thought, 'Oh my God, that's the guy,'" she said.  "Obviously, I was dumbfounded and realized who it was that had taken me."