Woman Kills Sugar Daddy, Cuts Off His Thumb To Access Bank Accounts
Photo By Shutterstock/Gorodenkoff

Woman Kills Sugar Daddy, Cuts Off His Thumb To Access Bank Accounts

Audrey Miller and Tiffany Taylor Gray were arrested in Washington, D.C. for allegedly killing Fasil Teklemariam. According to multiple witnesses, Teklemariam served as Gray's "sugar daddy." (For those who don't know, a sugar daddy is usually an older man who provides for women -- often significantly younger -- financially. The relationship typically has romantic undertones and is largely considered a transactional union.)

Per NBC, Teklemariam's body was discovered in his apartment on April 5. An affidavit states that Teklemariam suffered head trauma, had been stabbed, and his right thumb was cut off. The affidavit also says that police found "evidence suggesting that cleaning agents had been used to conceal and/or eliminate evidence to conceal or obscure the actions of the suspect or suspects who had committed the offense."

CCTV footage from the lobby of Teklemariam's apartment shows Miller and Gray leaving on the evening he was killed. Later, Gray and two other suspects were seen again, allegedly trying to steal several of Teklemariam's belongings. Still images from the footage capture multiple people wearing hooded sweatshirts and masks. They enter the apartment and leave with bags and boxes full of items.

A Woman Kills Her Sugar Daddy, Using His Severed Thumb To Access His Bank Accounts

A witness, a love interest of one of the suspects, made a number of startling claims. Firstly, they recognized Gray and Miller. Reportedly, the witness said Gray visited Teklemariam's apartment at least twice. They further claimed Teklemariam was Gray's "sugar daddy."

The witness confided in investigators that "they, referring generally a group of involved people, cut the decedent's thumb off" and "also overheard something about the decedent being stabbed." According to the witness, Gray was seen using Teklemariam's missing thumb to take money out of his account, pay for Ubers, and purchase alcohol and other substances.

Per CBS, "Teklemariam had previously filed a theft report against Gray for allegedly having something to do with his then-lost phone. And $1,600 in charges to his Cash App account, according to police." Investigators learned Teklemariam's cellphone last pinged from a tower in College Park, Maryland. Which wasn't far from where Gray rented an apartment. Ultimately, both Gray and Miller face charges of armed felony murder in the first degree.