Derek Redmond (Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock)

Derek Redmond Achieved Olympic Glory in Barcelona in 1992 But Not Because He Won A Medal

Derek Redmond probably doesn't come to mind when you think of athletes whose names are writ large in Olympic history. But at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spain, Redmond showed pure Olympic spirit and mettle despite having his dream suddenly upended. His ironclad determination and unbreakable will to push his body beyond its limits burned as brightly as the Olympic flame itself.

There are many ways to be a champion besides crossing a finish line before your competitors do. Derek Redmond is and will always be a winner. He showed all of us that there is glory and redemption in simply being human and persevering through the bleakest times.

What Befell Derek Redmond at the 1992 Olympics In Barcelona?

He Sustained A Terrible Leg Injury While Running

A sprinter from England, Derek Redmond had known his share of physical setbacks. He had eight operations in half as many years but at the 1992 Olympic Games, he felt ready. Then disaster hit when Redmond was competing in the 400m semi-final race with his dad, Jim, in the stands proudly looking on. His leg must have felt like it was on fire.

"I'd pulled my hamstring before and the pain is excruciating: like someone shoving a hot knife into the back of your knee and twisting it," Redmond recalled. "I grabbed the back of my leg, uttered a few expletives. And hit the deck. I couldn't believe this was happening after all the training I'd put in. I looked around to see where the rest of the field were. And they had only 100m to go. I remember thinking if I got up I could still catch them and qualify. The pain was intense."

Redmond Simply Would Not Give Up

Despite Being In Agony, Redmond Vowed To Continue The Race

Lying on the track, Redmond watched helplessly as the other runners completed the race. He hated being abruptly sidelined, even by a severe injury, so he stubbornly made up his mind not to quit.  "I decided I was going to finish that race even if it was the last thing I ever did," Redmond remembered.

Medical personnel and others were rushing to Redmond's aid, futilely attempting to change his mind about trying to complete the race. They had no idea that they were bumping into his rock-hard insistence to do what he came to Spain for. Redmond was fixated on chasing his goal, no matter what.

Redmond's Father Helped His Son

Redmond's father appeared beside him. Jim told his anguished son, "Derek, it's me, you don't need to do this." Derek adamantly replied, "Dad, I want to finish, get me back in the semi-final." Jim answered, "OK. We started this thing together and now we'll finish it together."

Redmond said, "He managed to get me to stop trying to run and just walk and he kept repeating, 'You're a champion, you've got nothing to prove.'"

Redmond finally crossed the finish line, his father's loving arms supporting him until the very final steps which he took alone. Sixty-five thousand elated spectators accorded him the standing ovation he deserved. He wasn't the first or the fastest, but Derek Redmond had done the undoable.

What is Derek Redmond Doing Today?

He Is A Motivational Speaker

Redmond, who had been "one of Britain's best athletes," never raced competitively again due to his injury.  He did, however, play basketball and rugby.

He was disqualified because he had assistance crossing the finish line, but that detail hardly mattered. In everyone's hearts, albeit not in the record books, Derek Redmond triumphed.

Today, at 58, Redmond is a motivational speaker. His beloved father died in 2022 at 81, having been among those who carried the iconic torch at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

Together, this remarkable father and son gave us a moment that will be etched in the annals of the Olympics forever.