51-Year-Old Olympian Wins Silver At Gun Range With No Specialized Lens, Eye Cover, Or Ear Protection
Photo By NBC

51-Year-Old Olympian Wins Silver At Gun Range With No Specialized Lens, Eye Cover, Or Ear Protection

One of the funniest factors of this story is that the person who won the gold medal didn't get nearly as much press. Olympian Yusuf Dikec, representing Turkey, competed in a duos air pistol event. As you can imagine, competitors usually come to this competition with full safety attire. Specialized goggles, ear protection -- you know, sanity tends to prevail when preparing. Dikec, however, decided that he didn't have time for all of that. He had some earplugs, wore some regular glasses, and decided he was good to go!

He and his partner ended up winning the silver medal, and he absolutely won the hearts of everyone watching. "He casually walked in, took out his piece, took the shots, and just as casually walked out without even waiting for his medal. I think he's done this before — under different circumstances, of course," one X (formerly known as Twitter) user suggested. Yeah, dude's definitely a stone-cold killer.

He looks like he rolled out of bed 15 minutes before the competition started. He threw on a shirt, his glasses, went out there with the most "Whatever" attitude -- hand in his pocket -- and left as quickly as he came. No preparation, no bother! Do the job and go home -- I respect it!

An Air Pistol Olympian Wins Everyone Over With His Casual Demeanor

"Looks like... bro was on a carnival trip and just for fun he took part in a shooting ride for a few bucks," another user says. He made it look so effortless! I get that it's maybe not as physically demanding as running or swimming, but you still need serious skills to handle yourself like Dikec did.

"How the f-- didn't USA win the gold medal for shooting?" ...It's dark humor, but I laughed. It is our bread and butter, sadly. But mostly, we're all bluster with no tact when it comes to guns. Dikec, on the other hand, is about that life. Look at how calm and cool he was! It's like he was "activated" for the Olympics to do a job and go back into hibernation for four more years until the next Olympics!