Well Endowed Olympic Pole Vaulter Knocks Down Pole With Unexpected Assistance
(Screenshot via Video @3Ps_Pod)

Olympic Pole Vaulter Knocks Down Pole NSFW Style

Imagine the Olympics choose you to represent your country on the biggest stage of them all. Moreover, they're hosting the event in your home country. Certainly, you can't embarrass yourself. However, one pole vaulter just became internet famous for all the wrong reasons.

Recently, competitors just participated in the pole vault competition at the Paris Olympics. One of the members of the French team Anthony Ammirati goes up next. He promptly soars up high and everything suggests he's going to clear the bar with ease. However, his private parts aggressively grazes the bar and knocks it down, causing him to fail.

Then, the commentators mostly sit in stunned silence. Clearly, they're scrambling to find a way to address what just happened and why Ammirati failed the pole vault. But it's okay, the internet definitely has us covered in that regard.

Check out the footage below.

Fans Die Laughing at Hilarious Olympic Pole Vault Fail

Obviously, the internet is having a ball cracking jokes at this pole vaulter's expense. One user puts it vulgarly but succinctly, "oh he brought that baguette to the games."

Perhaps the funniest of all the memes personally contains no words at all in the tweet. Instead, it's merely a clip from the 90s hit show Martin. Martin Lawrence sits back in the background incensed as Tommy Davidson lays on the funniest voice, exclaiming 'SHA BOING BOING.' Words truly can't do it enough justice, watch here.


Of course, one person takes a moment to spark a dialogue in the quote tweets. One person tweets about the discrepancy between trans people and how it would be a different ball game if people saw the pole vault under that lens. Still, they try to make it light. "everyone's horrified of letting trans people compete in sports but if a doll was in that locker room showing him how to tuck france would've had another medal!" they jest.