Hurricane Debby Blows More Than $1 Million In Cocaine Onto Beach In Florida Keys
Image via David Huamani Bedoya/Shutterstock

Hurricane Debby Blows More Than $1 Million In Cocaine Onto Beach In Florida Keys

If this isn't the most Florida headline you've ever come across, then I don't know what is. In a scene that sounds utterly insane, Hurricane Debby inadvertently caused more than $1 million in cocaine to wash ashore on a beach in the Florida Keys. Turns out that Mother Nature is taking a hard stance and saying no to drugs in the most dramatic way possible.
Authorities discovered packages of cocaine washed ashore on a Florida beach. They estimate that the packages of coke are worth more than $1 million. That's quite the haul, and surely some drug dealer somewhere must be very angry.
Hurricane Debby made landfall over the weekend as a Category 1 hurricane. However, weather services since downgraded it to a tropical storm. Amid the storm surge and other devastation, U.S. Border Patrol acting chief patrol Agent Samuel Briggs II says they found drugs. He wrote on social media about the discovery.

Hurricane Debby Causes Cocaine To Wash To Shore

"Hurricane Debby blew 25 packages of cocaine (70 lbs.) onto a beach in the Florida Keys," Briggs wrote. He shared two photos of the finds. According to Briggs, someone found the drugs on the beach. They then reported the find to the local authorities. It's not the first time that something like this has happened, believe it or not. 
Cocaine and Florida have long been tied together. Earlier this year, some boaters found 65 pounds of coke floating in the sea. Likewise, divers found more of the drug underwater near Key West. Later, drugs washed up on Dauphin Island in Alabama as well. Around a million dollars worth of coke washed to shore in May as well. Likewise, in 2019, Hurricane Dorian pushed cocaine bricks to shore.
However, several people had the perfect response to the insane news. One wrote, "Man... I gotta start morning walks along beach." Another wrote, "Is this still available?" Another wrote, Is that a cocaine 'brand'? Drug dealers have logos now?" Personally, I think this sounds like a perfect sequel to Cocaine Bear
Just imagine a cocaine shark instead and some loose canon cop on the beach dressed in a Hawaiian shirt. You're welcome, Hollywood. It writes itself.