Fireworks at Olympic closing ceremony

Olympic Viewers Less Than Impressed With Closing Ceremony

After two and a half weeks of grit and glory, heroics and heartbreak, the Paris Summer Olympics have come to an end. The United States is bringing home 126 medals in all, 40 of them gold, tying China's gold total.

All that is great, but the closing ceremony has seemingly left some viewers very uninspired. There was music, Tom Cruise, fireworks, and plenty of emotion, but some were, well, unmoved, shall we say.

What did they give a thumbs down to? We looked into it and here's what we discovered.

What Did People Say About The Closing Olympics Ceremony?

People Were Nonplussed By The "Golden Voyager"

One element that apparently didn't thrill all spectators was the Golden Voyager, a character who puzzled and annoyed some folks. Per, "Many viewers shared mixed reactions on the creative element to social media."

One skeptical commenter on X opined, "Sleep paralysis demons" is an interesting theme for the closing ceremony, let's see where it goes." Another wryly remarked on X about the "space wasp." Yet another person on X wrote, "It's probably the takeaway talking, but pretty sure this golden voyager is going to figure in my nightmares for the next four years."

Across The Pond, Brits Complained Of Poor Audio Quality

Sound Issues Ruined It For Some

Per, "Why is the sound quality so poor? It was the same for the opening ceremony. I can barely hear anything," was a remark from one  "The pacing, camerawork and sound are all so bizarre!," groused another.

Others took the bad with the good. "Shame the sound for the bands is a bit muted, they did try to push it but was distorted, so kept it soft and muffled. Still enjoying it. Phoenix are rocking."

Disappointment Ruled On Reddit

Seemed More Like An Opening Ceremony

"Usually, they do deep artsy stuff in the opening ceremony, and the closing ones are more chill. I guess they wanted to reverse it and try something new this time?," was one Reddit user's remark.

"All that length of time to put up 5 rings and tell a story of aliens coming to an empty earth and starting up the Olympics again? Like...why? ?" was another's perplexed reaction.

"theres high key and theres low key - too dark," was a comment from someone who wanted a more upbeat finale.

Whatever you thought of the ending, now, it's on to Los Angeles for the 2028 Olympic Games!