Toddler Winds Up In The Hospital After Restaurant Serves Her Wine Instead Of Apple Juice
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Toddler Winds Up In The Hospital After Restaurant Serves Her Wine Instead Of Apple Juice

In California, a restaurant accidentally served a toddler wine instead of apple juice. Per PEOPLE, Noemi Valencia and her partner went to a Japanese restaurant. They realized during their meal that their toddler started experiencing symptoms of intoxication. "She was swaying, she was falling over, she was leaning on walls, she couldn't hold her head up, she was slurring her words," Valencia stated.

The couple then checked the toddler's cup, quickly realizing something was amiss. Rather than apple juice, the cup contained cooking wine. Reportedly, the drink had been mislabeled by a member of the staff. The parents quickly rushed the toddler to the hospital, spending the night.

A blood test revealed that the toddler's blood alcohol content was .12 -- twice the legal limit for an adult. "We have no comment at this moment," a restaurant staff member said. "We just want to wait for the police department results."

The California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control told PEOPLE "they are aware of the situation and an investigation is currently underway." However, charges have yet to be filed.

A Toddler Accidentally Gets Wine At A Restaurant Instead Of Apple Juice

Since being admitted to the hospital, the child has made a full recovery and sobered up. ...A sentence I have to say I never envisioned I'd type about a child, but here we are! Valencia would warn parents to check their children's food when going to any restaurants. "Take proper precautions and how you store things or label things properly so that this doesn't happen to anybody else. Parents: taste what's served to your kids," she said to KSBW 8.

You know, this reminds me of the time that poor family was served insect repellant at a restaurant. It makes you wonder -- nobody double-checks their containers?! You can't open it and smell that it's wine and not apple juice?! Apparently, the wine was stored in a container, labeled "apple juice."

It's like something straight out of a sitcom. I know one thing: somebody's about to get cut a fat check. Or maybe not. Perhaps the family will be merciful and let bygones be bygones!