Country Singer Rory Feek Weds Daughter's Teacher After Wife Passes
(Photo by Danielle Del Valle/Getty Images for Someone Like You Movie)

Rory Feek Breaks Silence After Daughters Threaten Him With Legal Action And Accuse Him Of Neglect

Rory Feek is breaking his silence after his daughters threatened legal action against him and accused him of neglect. His eldest daughters Heidi and Hopie said they were concerned about their 10-year-old sister Indiana's safety.

In a blog post, Feek explained that he hadn't spoken up before now because he loves his daughters. He doesn't want to hurt them or spread any kind of hate or mudslinging through the media. He's only responding now given the numerous headlines surfacing and to try to stop misinformation.

He wrote, "Although Heidi has been posting hurtful stuff online for months, actually for two years now, I have never responded. Not once. Not because I don't care or because what she and they've been saying is true. And not because it doesn't hurt me, because it does. The things she's shared have broken my heart. They still are. But the reason I don't respond is simple... I love my kids."

He continued, "I feel certain that when this mud-slinging stops, readers get bored, and this story has run its course in the media, no matter who wins, we as a family will be the real losers, and we will be left more damaged than before, with still only one hope of putting the pieces back together... love."

Rory Feek Expresses Disappointment

Meanwhile, Rory Feek denied that he kept the sisters apart. He said that his daughter is still free to call them anytime and to talk. He also said her would let her sisters visit. However, Feek said he stopped letting Indiana spend the night with them. The singer also claimed that his daughters ended up calling Child Protective Services on him.

He said, "The answer to that is that she can. Or at least she could, anytime. I just wouldn't let her spend the night with them anymore. And that is where the trouble, or at least all this 'worried about Indy's safety' started. Every couple of months, I used to let Indiana spend a night or two with her big sisters in Alabama, but about a year ago, I stopped allowing that. Mostly because they refused to respect my wishes when she was there, which I will try to explain."

According to Feek, it was a difference of opinion. Feek said that his eldest daughters have different values than him. He claims they wouldn't follow his wishes with Indiana.
He wrote, "They want Indy to watch the movies they want to play for her, listen to the songs they want her to hear, and be exposed to the things they want to expose her to. But Indiana is my daughter, and I know what Joey would want, and I am standing firmly on not compromising the values and principles that are important to me to raise Indy with. When, and if, Heidi ever has her own children, she will get to make the rules for how she raises her child. And, like it or not, I'll have to respect them if I want to spend time with them."
Meanwhile, Feek expressed disappointment that of claims that he joined a cult. Feek defended Homestead Heritage as a Christian organization. But he admitted that there are a few bad apples in every bunch when it comes to past allegations about the organization.
He wrote, "What saddens me about the accusations against them the most is that no one reached out to me to ask about them or anyone else. They just looked online, found people saying bad things that frustrated ex-members and strangers have said through the years, and ran with it as truth."