Georgia School Shooter's Grandmother Visited School to Discuss Behavioral Issues
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Georgia School Shooter's Grandmother Visited School to Discuss Behavioral Issues Day Before Shooting

More information comes out about the fourteen year old alleged school shooter Colt Gray. Moreover, it lends a bit of light and context as to what the suspect's headspace could have been before acting upon the fatal incident. Now, his grandmother reveals some information prior to the event.

Recently, CBS News reports some new information regarding the alleged school shooter Colt Gray. His family speaks with the outlet to reveal some of the efforts from Gray's grandmother to address his behavioral issues. The grandfather Charlie Polhamus speaks on the family's behalf regarding the incident. "My wife had gone up there...the day before and met with the teachers to get him some, they were having some problems with him not going to school, and this kind of thing," he reveals in a phone interview. "So, my wife went up there. This was the day before all this stuff happened."

Colt Gray's Grandmother and Grandfather Recalls Devastating Text Message Before The Fatal School Shooting

Charlie doesn't seem so sure how much the warnings from the grandmother really digests with the school authorities. Moreover, he's not really sure what happened either. All he knows is that no suspension occurs for Colt Gray in attempts to stop potential damage.

Additionally, Charlie and the grandmother reveal an ominous text message the mom receives before the tragic school shooting takes place. "Marcee got a text on the phone from Colt saying, 'I'm sorry, mother.' And I...didn't know what was going on," Polhamus said. "And then we heard on the news of the shooting."

Two teachers and two students die from the tragic shooting at Apalachee High School. Now, the grandmother and grandfather can hardly process that their grandson could ever do such a thing. "He pulled the triggers," Charlie says. "He killed people and...he's my grandson, and it breaks my damn heart."