New Documentary Alleges Abraham Lincoln Was Queer
(Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

New Documentary Alleges Abraham Lincoln Was Queer, Garners Backlash

Usually, history books don't share this kind of thing about our historical figures, regardless if the information is available to learn or not. Typically, the private lives remain private, or at least just vague enough where few bat an eye. However, one filmmaker learns from various scholars and historians that Abraham Lincoln, one of America's greatest presidents, might've been gay.

Recently, a new documentary Lovers of Men releases to select theaters, where interviews sketch out a thesis that Abe Lincoln was probably gay or bisexual. The timeline focuses on the storied president's relationships with men in his life. Particularly, they zero in on Joshua Speed, a co-owner of a general store. During that time, he shares his bed with Abraham for four years.

Moreover, Lincoln learns in a newspaper that Speed was selling his store and leaving his home behind to take over his mother's farm. One of the experts in the documentary declares Abe losing Joshua as the spawning point for his dark depression in the years that follow.

Then, the documentary reveals a letter to Speed, detailing his agony over his departure. "I am the most miserable man living. If what I am feeling were distributed to the whole human family, there would not be a cheerful face on the earth. That I shall ever be better, I cannot tell," Lincoln writes. "I awfully forbode I shall not. Now, to remain as I am is impossible. I must die, or be better, it appears to me."

Social Media Reacts Wildly to Abraham Lincoln Documentary

It's not quite known for certain if this thesis is true. Social standards were different back then, men sharing the bed wasn't frowned upon. All we know for certain is that this depression carries over into Abe's marriage with Mary Todd Lincoln in 1842. Additionally, he would have four sons with her.

Still, that doesn't stop social media from joking about it all. Take this wildly suggestive tweet after learning about the news. "Bro had Abraham Lincoln grabbing the headboard like this for 4 years," they say.

One person calls nonsense on the documentary about Lincoln. "How do you know Lincoln was gay? Were you alive 200 years ago?! Name your sources that provided this information otherwise I'm not inclined to believe a word of this nonsense," they tweet.

When the film's twitter account encourages the user to see how the movie uses their research, they stubbornly refuse. "I'd rather not waste my time or money supporting this absurd agenda. Pure propaganda for unintelligent minds. No thanks," they double down.