Joshua Ray Walker Thankful For Support Following Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis
Image via Instagram

Joshua Ray Walker Thankful For Support Following Stage 4 Cancer Diagnosis

Joshua Ray Walker is speaking out following his Stage 4 cancer diagnosis. The country singer is blown away by the support fans have given him.

Taking to Instagram, Walker was very thankful of what everyone has done fro him. The singer said he plans to fight cancer and not give up. He appreciates all of the love.

He said, "Hey y'all, I am just blown away by the reaction to my post yesterday. It's just been a constant flow of well-wishes from all over the place. From childhood friends to acquaintances to everything in between; professional, personal, and family, it's been incredible. I feel very loved and I just feel so grateful for you all. Also, I launched my GoFundMe yesterday; as I make this video, I think it sits at sixty-something thousand dollars donated. Which is an's a lot of money. 

I'm just so thankful. I don't have the words clearly. I just...thank you. I'm trying my best; I'm fighting my hardest. I want to continue to be a part of this music scene and a part of everyone's lives. This money is going to allow me to be here for myself and keep fighting and focusing on my health and spending time with my loved ones. It just means the world. So, I don't know what else to say. I feel like I can't come up with...I wish there was a bigger word than thank you. But I'm just so grateful, and I love y'all very much. 

Joshua Ray Walker Talks Cancer Diagnosis

Back in 2023, Joshua Ray Walker learned he had colon cancer. Doctors had hoped that a combination of surgery and chemo would kill the cancer. However, the singer learned that the cancer spread to his lungs. As such, it is stage 4 cancer.

Still, Walker isn't ready to give up. He said:

"Before I started chemo, I was told I had a 90% chance of having clear tests post treatment. So to find completely new growth in a new organ was something for which I was not prepared. This unfortunately means my cancer will likely be restaged to stage 4."

"When times are hard my instinct is to figure out how to survive financially. I work harder to ensure that me and my loved ones will have basic necessities. This trait has been very useful in life, but it makes it hard to rest when life's difficulties aren't solely monetary. I have a hard time asking for help, even when I believe it will be given happily. I'm launching a GoFundMe that will allow me to focus exclusively on my health and relationships during this precious time. I thank everyone so much in advance for their continued love and support."