Lainey Wilson (Image via Instagram)

Lainey Wilson Says She Used To Perform At Walmart

Lots of A-list performers began on a small scale by doing gigs any place that would allow them to sing. They weren't too proud to start their careers on a modest scale. These humble, impromptu engagements give singers valuable experience. They attract an audience that might blossom into a following and are a ideal chance to try out new material. Lainey Wilson launched her own career that way. She has been very upfront about it too. Her phenomenal success is an inspiration to young emerging artists.

Lainey spoke on TV recently about one thing she did as an up-and-coming singer that was an integral part of her informal training. We wanted to know what she said.

Lainey Wilson Performed At A Walmart Years Ago

Reaching The Top Of Her Profession Was Not A Cinch

Lainey's road to the top was arduous. She has previously spoken about living in a trailer with myriad inconveniences for three years and doing a Hannah Montana impersonation act at birthday parties, referring to the character made popular by Miley Cyrus.

She confided to host Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show via that she used to sing in some unexpected venues. Lainey grew up in a tiny community in Louisiana so there were not many places to hone her talent. Walmart happened to be one of them.

"I would play anywhere that they let me play. I'm talking about nursing homes, flatbed trailers. Anywhere that - My parents would be like 'Hey, Lainey, sing that song you just wrote last week for anybody,' and I'd just do it."

She Admits Having Some 'Dark Days' On The Way Up

Lainey Looked Back On Her Long-Ago Hardscrabble Days On 'GMA' Two Years Ago

It wasn't easy for Lainey Wilson to reflect on her tough times as an aspiring singer. She made it all the way to the heights, but also paid a price. "There were a lot of dark days for me. I was very lonely. I didn't know hardly anybody in town [Nashville]," she told Good Morning America via

Those days are gone forever. Lainey worked very hard, cultivated her ability, and is now a bona fide star.