Two Kansas Moms Allegedly Murdered By Religious Group On Way To Pick Kids Up, Bodies Dumped In Freezer
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Two Kansas Moms Allegedly Murdered By Religious Group On Way To Pick Kids Up, Bodies Dumped In Freezer

Authorities are investigating the deaths of two Kansas moms after they found their bodies in a freezer in a cow pasture earlier this year. Investigators believe that members of a religious group murdered the two.

Kansas moms, Veronica Butler and Jilian Kelley, went on a road trip on March 30. They were heading to Oklahoma to pick up Butler's children. Sadly, it ended with their deaths. Authorities later found their remains in a chest freezer. Someone had dumped the freezer in a cow pasture. Authorities made the grizzly discovery on April 14.

They also found their abandoned car close to the state border. According to investigators, someone stabbed Butler to death. They haven't revealed how Kelley died. Authorities believe five suspects of God's Misfits killed the Kansas moms. God's Misfits is an antigovernmental religious group.

They arrested Tifany Adams, Tad Cullum, Cole and Cora Twombly, and Paul Grice for the murders of the two Kansas moms. Investigators believe Grice is the one who stabbed Butler to death. He also allegedly cut his hand in the process.

Kansas Moms Murdered

Meanwhile, Cullum allegedly killed Kelley and also dumped their bodies into a freezer. Grice tossed the freezer in a grave with clothes, a stun gun, and the murder weapon. His DNA showed up on the clothes.

Additional investigation found accessories for the knife at the home. Investigators believe that Adams purchased all of these devices. The Twombleys allegedly were lookouts for the group. To make this even worse, Tifany Adams was the grandmother to Butler's children.

She and Butler allegedly had a disagreement over custody of her children. Authorities charged the group with first-degree murder, kidnapping and conspiracy to commit murder. Butler had filed a petition in court to get more time with her children. She wanted to get full custody back of her children. This apparently angered Adams. So, she hatched a plan to take out Butler.

Butler had weekly court-mandated visits with her children on Saturdays. Meanwhile, Kelley helped oversee these visits. Butler wanted to see her six-year-old for her birthday and celebrate.

Following her death, Kelley's husband Pastor Heath Kelley shared a statement, "We ask that you continue to pray for Jilian and Veronica and their families as the search and investigation continue. Pray for strength, wisdom and faith for everyone involved. We appreciate everyone who has shared the prayer requests. We are getting messages from all over the country of people praying for these two women and their families."