8-Year-Old Girl Dies After Doctor Ignored Warning Signs Of Sepsis Twice
Irwin Mitchell / SWNS

8-Year-Old Girl Dies After Doctor Ignored Warning Signs Of Sepsis Twice

When you get sick, you think going to the doctor will help you. But sometimes medical practitioners fail their patients. An 8-year-old girl ended up dying after her doctor sent her home twice, ignoring the warning signs of sepsis.

Her parents took her to see her general practitioner. But they failed to treat their daughter. In 2022, Mia Glynn developed a sore throat. A few days later, she developed a fever, headache, and vomiting. However, a doctor told her parents, Soren and Katie Glynn, to give her some Tylenol and fluids.

An 8-year-old girl died of sepsis after being sent home from her general practitioner twice. Now, her parents are speaking out about the tragedy for the first time in hopes of raising awareness in her honor.

A few hours later, they returned to the doctor when her symptoms got worse. However, the doctor told them that the hospital was full. They gave her antibiotics and fluids and sent them home again. Fast forward to the next morning, Mia had blue lips and rashes on her limbs. They called the ambulance.

Child Dies Of Sepsis

"I said to the ambulance lady is [Mia] going to be ok, but they said they were doing all that they can and I knew then," he recalled, BBC reports.

"Shortly after that they started doing CPR," Katie added. Doctors gave the 8-year-old antibiotics and fluids. However, she went into septic shock and died. She died from sepsis caused by Strep A infection.

"We'll never get over the pain of losing Mia, especially in the way we did. Our hearts hurt every second since Mia's heart stopped," Katie said. "But we will always make sure Mia will be remembered in the most special way."

"Seeing Mia in her final moments was awful," Soron added. "We feel so blessed that she was our daughter but are completely heartbroken that Mia was taken from us so soon."

The parents are planning to investigate and potentially sue the hospital.

"The unbelievable and unbearable pain we feel is unexplainable and unimaginable," Katie said, per BBC. "Our beautiful healthy girl was the happiest, brightest, most loving and caring girl who smiled, danced, brought joy and love to everyone she met."