Joshua Ray Walker is Working on New Music 2 Days Before Lung Cancer Biopsy
(Photo by Gary Miller/Getty Images)

Joshua Ray Walker is Working on New Music 2 Days Before Lung Cancer Biopsy

Joshua Ray Walker is making the most of the time he has in case he can't do what he loves for a while. Lung cancer biopsy or not, he won't let his health stop him from creating.

Recently, Walker takes to Instagram to update his fans on his current health status. Surgery is just around the corner so he's getting as much done as humanly possible. Consequently, he'll have music on standby if the procedures affect his voice. "Hey, y'all. I go into surgery in two days, and I'm going to be out of commission for a while," Joshua says. "I don't know how the surgery or radiation is going to affect my voice, so I'm trying to get as much done as I can before Thursday. So, I'm here in the studio, working on some new songs. 

Joshua Ray Walker Makes As Much Music as Possible Before His Big Surgery

Walker continues in the post by expressing just how grateful he is to have fans give as much as they have. He can hardly fathom the donations he receives on his GoFundMe account for his medical expenses. Furthermore, he feels like he owes it to the fans and himself to remain busy and make music. "It's been a week since I put out the GoFundMe, and I'm just blown away by the amount of love I've received," Joshua says. "I'm going to keep getting on here and saying thank you, and I wish I had a better way of saying it. I think the best thing I can do is stay busy and keep making music, and that's what I'm doing. That's what I'm taking this time to do."

Additionally, Joshua wants to ensure people know that he's not blowing off his health. He's certainly monitoring everything he can and resting when he needs to do so. However, Walker explains it's not in his nature to just sit around and do nothing. "I'm going to keep resting, keep taking my health seriously, and putting it first. But I couldn't just sit around and make nothing," he concludes. "So, I am letting you all know I'm still working on music, and I'm working on myself. If you don't hear from me for a few days, that's because I'm in the hospital, but I will give you an update when I get out. I love you very much; thanks for everything."