Image via Facebook/Steve Legg

Comedian Steve Legg Dies At 57 After A Long Fight With Cancer

After a terminal diagnosis in April 2023 and after several surgeries and medical treatment, Steve Legg, beloved Christian comedian and author, has died after battling melanoma - a very aggressive type of skin cancer - for 17 months.

The news took a toll on Steve and his family back in April of last year when doctors found that Legg's cancer had spread to his brain, liver, stomach, and spine. This meant that, with less than six months to live after his diagnosis, Legg could only receive palliative care to ease the pain.

While Legg battled cancer long past his original diagnosis, it was recently that he announced on social media that his condition had worsened. "I wanted to let you know that I came into hospital in an ambulance on Tuesday (which was exciting) because I was in a lot of pain (less exciting)," said Legg.

He added: "Scans have shown that the melanoma the Docs first found three years ago has spread again and a large tumour in my bowel has caused a perforation."

He later said that "surgery isn't an option" and that all that they could hope for was for antibiotics and morphine to heal said perforation for what he described as "an end of life event."

An End Of Life Event

Ultimately, Steve Legg passed away due to complications related to melanoma and how it had spread all across his body. Melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer and its primary cause is ultraviolet light exposure. To fight and survive cancer past his original six-month life expectancy by a whole year is nothing short of admirable.

"We never wanted this day to come, but we are glad this last week is over and Steve is safe now with no more tears or pain. He died knowing he was loved by so many and now he is with the one who loves him most. There is enormous comfort in that," reads a post made by his family after his passing.

Following the announcement, several users expressed their condolences and love for Steve Legg and his legacy. One user said "He leaves a tremendous legacy in his family and ministry. God bless you and comfort you in the days ahead." Another user sent her love to Bekah Legg, Steve's wife, saying: "Sending love to you Bekah Legg and the family. Rest in joy Steve."