Man Stabbed Himself And Died Trying To Split Frozen Burger Patties
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Man Stabbed Himself And Died Trying To Split Frozen Burger Patties

Barry Griffiths died at his home in Llandrindod Wells following a horrible accident. Per the Western Telegraph, the police were confused when they responded to a report regarding the "very private" Griffiths. When they arrived, they found Griffiths on his bed, fully clothed and with blood on his swollen stomach. Reportedly, he'd been dead for several days.

Trying to figure out what had happened, an investigation was launched. Griffiths' phone, wallet, and computer were undisturbed. Additionally, when the first floor was searched, there were no signs of a break-in or similar intrusion. However, blood was all over the hallway, bathroom, and bedroom. Eventually, detectives were able to deduce that the death hadn't been a suicide.

Shortly afterward, investigators found frozen burger patties in the kitchen. From there, they pieced together the likely tragedy that took place. Detective Chief Inspector Jonathan Rees discussed the subsequent discovery. "My thought process favored the wound had been caused by an accident solely involving Mr Griffiths. The bottom drawer of the freezer had been left open and pulled forward in a position to access food items," Rees said.

Man Dies Trying To Separate Burger Patties With A Knife

"On the work surface in the kitchen adjacent to the fridge freezer were two uncooked burgers, a knife, and a tea towel. The wound to the abdomen would have been approximately the height of the work surface. My hypothesis at that stage was that Mr Griffiths was attempting to separate frozen burgers using a knife," Rees continued.

A kitchen knife initially thought to be covered with chocolate was later revealed to be coated with Griffiths' blood. There was no forced entry or exit at Griffiths' home, nothing seemed to be stolen, blood wasn't found outside the home or on the window ledges, and there was no evidence of a fight, disturbance, or theft.

Unfortunately, Griffiths was the victim of a horrible, unforeseeable accident. Though it seems like an effort was made to try and help himself, he succumbed to his wounds. He led a "relatively private life with limited contact with others." Somehow, that makes the outcome more distressing.