Confused Couple Drives Straight Into Water After Not Understanding GPS Directions
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Confused Couple Drives Straight Into Water After Not Understanding GPS Directions

A South Carolina couple misunderstood their GPS' instructions and ended up in the Isle of Palms marina. Per The Post and Courier, several employees of the Islander 71 dockside restaurant heard a splash coming from the marina. When they went to investigate, they discovered an SUV quickly sinking into the water.

Bartender and lifeguard, Johnny Himmelsbach, acted on instinct. He hopped a fence and dove right into the water, saving the driver and passenger in the process. A barback followed Himmelsbach's lead, lending assistance, and another bartender called 911 while running to a nearby fire station.

The rescued elderly out-of-towners drove down the boat ramp, misinterpreting the directions of their GPS. However, to their credit, when it was clear they were headed for the water, they quickly rolled up their windows. Matt Storen, representing the Isle of Palms Police Department, told PEOPLE about how composed the couple was.

An Elderly Couple Misinterpreted Their GPS, Driving Right Into Water

"[They] fortunately remained calm and thought to roll the windows down as the vehicle hit the water," Storen commented. Additionally, the general manager of Islander 71, Christopher Sollom, commended the staff for their action and quick thinking.

"It could have gone a different way," Sollum stated. "Everything aligned for a perfect rescue. There could have been a really bad ending to this." While everyone involved deserves the "hero" title, Himmelsbach especially deserves his flowers. Which Shannon Standhardt, the bartender who called 911, gave when she spoke to WCIV-TV.

"I cannot say enough things about Johnny and his heroic actions to help these innocent travelers. We as his friends and coworkers already know how special he is but as a close friend and employee of mine, he's truly an angel," Standhardt said.

"He deserves all the credit from this. I can't say we will ever forget this evening and be so grateful that this accident didn't have a different outcome. The details of this incident we will forever remember." There you have it -- a feel-good story for the ages! The world can be an awfully dark place, friend. I'm glad you joined me on this trip down Wholesome Lane!