Video Goes Viral Of North Carolina Man Yelling "Trump 2024" During Hurricane Helene Interview
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Video Goes Viral Of Florida Man Yelling "Trump 2024" During Hurricane Helene Interview

Not even the threat of a hurricane could stop talks around the 2024 Presidential Election. A Florida man recently went viral for yelling about Former President Donald Trump during a Hurricane Helene interview.

Just check out that video below and tell me what you think. In an ironic twist of fate, it wasn't even the man being interviewed. It was a photobomber (er, videobomber, that's a thing right?) The man appeared in the background while a journalist was asking a Charlotte County man about storm damage.

In the video, the reporter explained that emergency services had to rescue the man from his home via boat. He and his family had been trapped in the dwelling thanks to the deadly storm surge and flooding. However, the man didn't get a chance to respond.

Instead, a Trump supporter saw his moment in the sun, and he took it. Walking up behind the reporter, the man heckled, "Trump 2024!" He then continued walking by as the reporter tried to return to Hurricane Helene and the original issue that she was talking about.

Trump Viral Video

Fortunately, the man didn't seem too worried about the photobomber. In fact, he revealed he was a Trump supporter himself before taking about his experience with Hurricane Helene. The video drew plenty of reactions from people online. Many appreciated the brazenness of the man in the video and found the whole thing hilarious.

One wrote, "And I agree with the gentlemen in the back!" Another wrote, "Epic indeed. And the guy saying he agrees with him is icing on the cake!" Another wrote, "That's one way to make sure your voice is heard."

Yet another wrote, "So awesome public space news isn't entitled to keep people quiet." Still, another wrote, "I love how the guy being interviewed rolled with it."

Meanwhile, Trump recently talked about the environment in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

"You notice that they don't ever mention anything about environment anymore? What happened to the environment? They don't mention it," he said. "They don't mention that the ocean's going to rise a quarter of an inch over the next 500 years."