Disney World Magic Kingdom
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Couple Stole $500K Then Spent It On 31 Trips To Disney World

A government contractor, Thomas Bouchard, 61, and his girlfriend, Chantelle Boyd, 53, were charged and later pled guilty to conspiracy to defraud the U.S. Government for stealing close to half a million dollars. They used the money to fund 31 trips to Orlando, Florida, visiting the Disney World parks multiple times between 2014 and 2018.

Bouchard used his long-standing relationship with Evolution Enterprise, Inc., a government contractor, to hire Boyd as an assistant. He was in charge of the U.S. Army Natick Contracting Division. This made it possible for him to pull some strings and hire Boyd.

"Boyd's position cost the Department of Defense more than $490,000 during her time at Evolution from 2014 to 2018, during which Boyd performed little if any useful function," reads the U.S. Attorney's Office, District of Massachusetts.

Boyd's "no show" job as an assistant paid for the couple's visit to several Virginia and Florida locations, covering travel, stays, and Disney World park tickets. Each of these 31 trips lasted from two to 15 days, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office. Bouchard later "altered, created and approved false travel" to reimburse Boyd and help disguise her expenses as "work-related."

Authorities then arrested the couple in 2020. Both Bouchard and Boyd pled guilty to 10 counts of theft of government funds and false declarations and one count of conspiracy.

Couple Sentenced

Regarding the gravity of the charges made by a U.S. Contractor, United States Attorney Joshua S. Levy weighed in in a press release. "Those of us who are privileged to work in public service owe a duty to the taxpayers to act with integrity at all times," said Levy.

"This defendant clearly failed in adhering to this solemn oath and abused his position of trust to line his own pockets, hire a friend into a phantom position and enjoy junkets all on the taxpayer's dime. He will now pay the price for his inexcusable conduct."

Special Agent Patrick J. Hegarty complemented what Levy said. "Investigating individuals who hold positions of trust and misuse Department of Defense (DoD) funds is a top priority for the DoD Office of Inspector General's Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS)," said Hegarty.

U.S. District Court Judge Indira Talwani sentenced Thomas Bouchard to 12 months and one day in prison in August 2024. "Today's sentencing demonstrates our commitment to work with the Department of Justice and our law enforcement partners to protect DoD assets and programs," said Hegarty.

The same judge sentenced Chantelle Boyd to six months of home confinement in October 2024. Both she and Bouchard will have to pay restitution.