Married Couple With Three Kids Horrified To Discover They're Actually Cousins
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Married Couple With Three Kids Horrified To Discover They're Actually Cousins: "Made Me Sick To My Stomach"

What in Alabama?! (I'm from Alabama so only I can make this joke). A married couple of 10 years with three kids discovered they're related. They're actually cousins.

It was the perfect meet-cute for 37-year-old Celina and 44-year-old Joseph. They met at a Halloween party, and sparks flew. However, a DNA test threw their marriage into turmoil. Joseph decided to look into his ancestry. After both partners sent in swabs, they learned that they were actually cousins. It shocked them to their core.

"When I realised that we were cousins, I was a little sick to my stomach", Celina told Love Don't Judge. Her husband was in complete shock. The DNA test confirmed they were third to fifth cousins. So at least, it's not second or the dreaded first cousins. But still!

"I thought we were supposed to get divorced, but then I started thinking that for out children we need to stay together", Celina said. She said, "You're not supposed to be with your cousin, but it happened that way."

Marriage Partners And Cousins

Ultimately, they decided to stay together. As you can imagine, their children ended up freaking out after learning the news. But, they adjusted.

"It's kind or normal because they're my parents and they've been married a long time", their daughter said.

"Sometimes I feel a bit weird about it, because it's not something you want to brag about", their eldest son admitted. He said that the parents didn't realize that they were related when they got together. "But since they found out after, I don't see a single problem wrong."

Since their story broke, the couple has endured a lot of backlash over their marriage and being cousins. Joseph said that the criticism has upset his children.

"We found out almost 11 years in and three year's later, it's not something you just walk away from", he said.

Likewise, the family is looking forward to the future.

"I think the future holds a lot more good, I just want to see our kids succeed", Celina added. I'm sure that family get-togethers are a little awkward. But they make it work.