A Bee Just Ruined An Olympian's Dream At Gold
Photo By Shutterstock/Chase D'animulls

A Bee Nearly Ruined An Olympian's Dream At Gold

The 2024 Olympics has been anything but boring, that's for sure! One South Korean Olympian, Kim Je-deok, was almost denied a critical gold medal performance during the men's archery team event. Je-deok had his shot lined up and a look of total concentration lining his face. He pulled the string back, ready to let the arrow loose for what he knew would've been a bullseye.

However, one rowdy bee would interfere, landing on Je-deok's hand and causing him to let the arrow loose earlier than he intended.

It almost would've been one of the biggest tragedies in Olympics history. However, per The Korea Herald, the bee didn't do anything to stop destiny that day! "As I approached the shooting line, a bee appeared," Kim Je-deok explained in a press interview. "I shooed it away but it followed me. When it landed on my hand, I reminded myself, 'This is the Olympics,' and I couldn't lower my arms. I had a strong determination to shoot."

Surely enough, South Korea would go on to win the gold medal anyway! It just goes to show you: you can't let bees get in the way of your life's goals!

An Olympian's Performance Is Almost Ruined By A Bee

You know the internet had thoughts. It's just the way things work around here!

"Honestly I would have rage quitted the Olympics if I had to deal with even just one bee!" one X (formerly known as Twitter) user states. Can you imagine? You've trained for this moment, and you know you're going to land the shot perfectly. You're one release away from everything you've ever wanted.

Then a bee shows up, you panic, and the arrow sails over the target. I'd never leave the house again. I wouldn't even want visitors, honestly. ...I also found this utterly unhinged post that I want to conclude this article on because it deserves an individual spotlight.

"Subject: Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. It sounds like you've been working incredibly hard toward your goal. It must be so frustrating to have something like this happen, especially after dedicating so much time and effort. Please know that I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to. I'm sure you'll bounce back from this setback even stronger. Keep your chin up!"