Airport Crew Member Clings To Wing After Plane Hits Him In Intense Footage
Photo By Bruce Bennett/Getty Images

Airport Crew Member Clings To Wing After Plane Hits Him In Intense Footage

On May 19, 2024, Rail, an airport worker, had a tragic accident occur in Yekaterinburg, a city in Russia. Per The Sun, a plane began taxiing at the Koltsovo airport. As it was landing, the airport worker ended up being dragged under the Airbus' front landing gear. Allegedly, the pilot of the aircraft "did not give a command to turn off the intercom to the ground handling technician," deciding to taxi the plane anyway.

"While taxiing from the aircraft parking lot, the technician suffered a leg injury," said a spokesperson for Ural Airlines. "An ambulance was called to the scene, and the circumstances are being clarified." You can view the footage of the incident below but be warned: while it may not be explicit, the imagery may be upsetting for some viewers.

In the video, you can see Rail clinging as best as he can. Ultimately, he's now in intensive care after having one leg amputated and fracturing the other. At present, he has yet to regain consciousness.

Meanwhile, the captain of the aircraft was removed from the flight as a result of the incident. The Russian Investigation Committee filed a criminal case into "violation of safety rules that resulted in serious harm to health through negligence." It appears as though a commission is examining the case, demanding Russian airlines re-examine communication between the pilots and technicians ahead of taxiing.

Airport Technician Has A Tragic Accident Where A Taxiing Plane Runs Him Over

This incident occurred days after an airline worker fell out of a plane door in Indonesia. Reportedly, the TransNuse Airbus was readying for takeoff when the man fell. He appeared to be speaking to someone inside the plane. Then, without realizing the stepladder to safely exit the plane had been moved away, the man dropped several feet to the runway. He landed hard on his back. Fortunately, while he sustained several injuries, none of them were life-threatening.

Whenever you decide to board a plane, it's important to be as safe as possible. You can't prepare for every possible outcome, but please do your best to be mindful of certain safety precautions and procedures. The FAA has a few guides on how to navigate what can easily be a stressful flying experience.