Swimmer (Gorodenkoff / Shutterstock)

Brazilian Swimmer Breaks Silence After Being Removed from Olympics

What would the Olympics be without a few controversies? This one involves a swimmer from Brazil, Ana Carolina Vieira. She was sent home from Paris for allegedly breaking a rule. Now there is a showdown brewing between this athlete who feels she was wronged and the Brazilian Olympic Committee. Here are the facts as we know them.

What Was Ana Carolina Vieira's Infraction?

Vieira Reportedly Left The Olympic Village With A Teammate Without Permission

According to eonline.com, Vieira, 22, was banished from the Games because on July 26, the day of the opening ceremony, she and her teammate, Gabriel Santos (the New York Post referred to him as Vieira's boyfriend), left the Olympic Village without having permission to do so.

The Brazilian Olympic Committee [BOC] issued a stern press release about these athletes' alleged "acts of indiscipline," as the Committee called them, on July 28 that read in part:

"...[A]thlete Ana Carolina, in a disrespectful and aggressive manner, contested the technical decision made by the Brazilian Swimming Team committee."

Reuters reported that "The BOC said it had decided to punish the athletes but Vieira then also challenged the relay team formation."

Therefore, athlete Gabriel Santos was punished with a warning and athlete Ana Carolina Vieira, with the penalty of dismissal from the delegation. She will return to Brazil immediately."

Vieira Had Already Competed In A Relay

She Supposedly Had  A Gripe About How That Relay Was Handled

On July 27, Vieira was in the 4x100m freestyle with three teammates. They did not earn a medal. It was reported that "The head of Brazil's swimming team Gustavo Otsuka later emphasized that Ana's reaction to the relay lineup played a part in her getting sent home."

Otsuka said, "We can't play around here. She took a completely inappropriate position to make her point, her dismay, about the formation of the relay. It was during this period that we decided to take this situation to the disciplinary committee, discussed it and took the appropriate action."

Vieira and Santos's departure from the Olympic Village on July 26 came to light because of their social media posts.

Vieira Seems To Be Looking At Potential Next Steps

She Made A Statement On Social Media

Swimming World reported that Vieira is "exploring legal options."

She posted an emotional video on Instagram that was also on theguardian.com. Vieira is speaking in Portuguese but the captioning is in English.

She said that, "I couldn't contact anyone from the moment I left the room [where] they announced to me that I was out for bad behavior." Vieira alleged that she "was unable to have any contact with anyone at any time."

Vieira said she left her belongings behind and also went to the airport clad in shorts.

She also said, "I know who I am. I know my character, my nature, and that's what counts."