Heather Newman
Heather Newman's first published work was a short book exploring the cultural impact of food through the lens of a potluck dinner. The schoolhouse press published it when she was six, and the only copy was subsequently eaten by a dog. But she wasn’t done writing about food. She grew up and went on to start a food blog in 2004 that celebrated cooking and eating in and around New York City She turned her love of food into a career writing about it and went on to write for companies looking to change how we think and write about cooking.
She is an avid home cook, and goes through long periods of vegetarianism. Heather often cooks dinner with her children and enjoys watching their passion for the kitchen grow.
When she’s not writing or cooking, Heather can be found hiking barefoot through the mountains and enjoying life. Her kids are usually at her side, most often asking “are we there yet?” and “where is the ice cream you promised?” She shares her adventures at http://thebarefoothiker.com, and has never met a taco she didn’t like.