Baby Is Born With An Air Rifle Pellet Lodged In Its Stomach After Dad Shoots Pregnant Mom
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Baby Is Born With An Air Rifle Pellet Lodged In Its Stomach After Dad Shoots Pregnant Mom

Yes, it's that time again! Time for complete, total chaos! Today's story hails from the Daily Express US, where a baby girl is miraculously born with an air rifle pellet lodged into her stomach! "How did we get here?" Well, strap in because you're about to go on a journey.

Over in Moscow, Russia, a father decided to blow off some steam with his air rifle. Unfortunately -- and by complete accident -- a rogue pellet ricocheted and ended up in his pregnant wife's stomach. The mother was quickly rushed to a nearby hospital, all during her last month of pregnancy.

Through sheer luck, when doctors ran an examination, they found that the baby's critical organs hadn't been harmed whatsoever. However, doctors advised that the pellet would be safest for removal after the baby was delivered. When the baby girl arrived, the pellet was then removed from her stomach -- just beneath the skin. With a few stitches, the baby and mother were both deemed perfectly safe!

"Why is it so impressive? It was just an air rifle pellet -- not, like, an actual bullet." Well, dear reader, if you earnestly believe that, let's talk!

A Baby Is Miraculously Born With An Air Rifle Pellet Stuck In Its Stomach

An air rifle, in actuality, can be just as dangerous as "real" weapons! The pellet may leave the actual rifle differently than, say, a gun, but a burst of compressed air still sends the pellet flying at dangerous, potentially lethal speeds. Additionally, as most pellets are made out of lead, there's always the distant risk of lead poisoning.

There's a part of this story I want to briefly speculate on for fun, now that the main course is over! ...What do you think the conversation between the husband and wife was like when they got back home? Sure, all's well that end's well! But you did shoot the woman with an air rifle, and I'm sure that came with a lot of stress, anxiety, and cursing.

Hopefully, they're able to reconcile! After all, there's a new baby to take care of! From my neck of the woods, I know that I'd be dreading the quiet drive home. Am I going to get cussed out now or when we get home? Being allowed to consider those horrible outcomes is torture enough!