Baby named Miracle goes home from hospital (Image via Richmond University Medical Center Instagram)

Baby Named Miracle Goes Home After 4 Months In NICU

It's heart-wrenching to have a child with serious medical problems. When it's your newborn who has major health issues, it's very tough on the little one and their parents. You just have to rely on the doctors' wisdom and hope for the very best outcome. There are happy endings in some of those situations. This is one such story.

Tiffany Murray's Baby Was Born Prematurely And Weighed Just 1 pound, 6 ounces

The Tiny Infant Spent 4 Months In The NICU

Tiffany Murray, a 42-year-old single mom with four sons, was anticipating the birth of her baby on July 26, per People. But the infant made her debut much sooner. She was born at Richmond University Medical Center in Staten Island, New York, on April 2, at only 23 weeks.

Murray recalls that, "The hospital called her the '1 lb. baby' because she was this tiny." When one of Murray's sons visited the child in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit), she said he cried because the baby was so incredibly small.

Murray Desperately Wanted To Take Her Baby Home

But The Child, Aptly Named Miracle, Wasn't Ready Yet

Murray, like any mom, wanted her baby to come home. She says she fought with the doctors about that. "I used to argue with the doctors. 'I want my baby to come home. I want my baby to come home.' Until one doctor came to me and said, 'I wouldn't let your baby go home if I knew she wasn't well.' "

Murray mused about what they were telling her and backed off. "Well, I got to sit down and thought, 'Miracle's health is more important than me rushing her to come home.' So when time went by, I just had to suck it up and go visit her every day."

Miracle Was Bravely Fighting To Live

The Baby Had All Kinds Of Medical Problems Plus A Fierce Will To Survive

Miracle had blood transfusions, a heart murmur, and was attached to a machine called a CPAP. Still she fought on. Murray was fighting, too. "He [God] pushed me every morning. Every morning he would wake me to get up at 9 o'clock and then leave the house by 9:30. And I get to the hospital exactly by 10:30. I make it there for her 11 o'clock feeding, sit there with her for two hours and then I go home and come back every morning, do the same routine."

The Baby Went Home At Last On August 21

Miracle Weighed 8 Pounds, 5 Ounces

On the joyous day that Miracle left the hospital with Murray, many of the medical facility's doctors and nurses gathered to say farewell to the pair in the hallway and wish them the best.

Per People, Richmond University Medical Center issued a statement that said, "We are beyond thrilled to have Miracle join our family of NICU graduates. Our staff of physicians, nurses and medical professionals developed a deep bond with Miracle and her family over her time with us. Miracle, her mom and her siblings are forever part of our RUMC family and while we miss her, we are overjoyed that she is now home where she truly belongs."

Hooray for happy endings!