Bigfoot Is Real, And Now He's A TikTok Star Thanks To Viral Video
Photos By TikTok/e_man580

Bigfoot Is Real, And Now He's A TikTok Star Thanks To Viral Video

They found him. After all these years, someone finally captured footage of Bigfoot on TikTok! I made fun of the Finding Bigfoot folks all this time thinking there couldn't possibly be such a thing! But, lo and behold, the beast walks among us! ...Or he sits among us. Honestly, after decades of suspense and build-up, I'm disappointed.

Videos by Wide Open Country


Scariest moment of my life and I really think I caught a fucking Bigfoot on camera in parallel forest. I wakes just doing some sight seeing and enjoying the day and saw something in the distance. Im still shaking as I type this. #bigfoot #sighting #oklahoma #parallelforest #fyp #scared

? original sound - E_ManAlfaro

Going by the tags on the video, it appears as though Bigfoot's been in... Oklahoma. Chillin'. Eating leaves? I don't know, man. When I was a kid and nobody seemed to shut up about Bigfoot, I always imagined he was like Godzilla. Bigfoot was this indomitable force of nature, and he was always blurry in pictures because he was so fast -- or the person was too panicked because he was coming after them.

To find out that Bigfoot is just me on a regular Saturday sucks. Bigfoot didn't even look angry when he saw ol' dude. It looked like he got caught with a copy of Bigfoot Bimbos or something. All that time I spent, envisioning how cool he would be -- and for what?! Oh, well. I guess there's always our Dark Lord, Cthulhu. When he finally rises from the sea -- oh, you just wait. All those secret bloodletting rituals I've been doing in His name will be rewarded!

TikTok Finally Found Bigfoot And It's Not Even Worth It

"You know what? Why not this world is insane right now so why can't Bigfoot be chilling under a random tree," one TikTok user says. Things are so messed up in the world that Bigfoot may as well be your loud uncle who you expect to drink a little too much during the holidays. "Oh, it's him. Late as usual. May as well let him in."

"Google 'Jack Links Costume Horror Dome' Same exact thing and if you think it's not then you just want to believe lol" ...Wait. This user is right -- that's a fake! That's some dude in a costume! Oh, thank the Old Ones -- Bigfoot has evaded us yet again! I knew you wouldn't let me down, Biggie! (...Or "Footie"?) Whew! Oh, internet! You and your games!