Blake Shelton Allegedly Went On Weight Loss Diet And Feels Better Than Ever
Photo By Gabe Ginsberg/Getty Images for Keep Memory Alive

Blake Shelton Allegedly Went On Weight Loss Diet And Feels Better Than Ever

No, we're not here to fat-shame Blake Shelton. Far from it, in fact. Before we roll into the good stuff, let's get all the keywords out there. "Allegedly," "supposedly," "insiders say," yadda yadda yadda. According to Life & Style, Blake Shelton is feeling like a million bucks after dedicating himself to a good ol' weight loss journey. Says who? Says an insider, naturally!

"Blake feels like a new man," the insider claims. Apparently, Shelton dropped around 20 pounds. Fruits, veggies, lean proteins -- the works! "Before, he was huffing and puffing going up stairs -- but now he's darting up and down with no trouble at all!" the insider says. ...Is this "insider" Shelton's wife, Ms. Gwen Stefani herself? That seems like an incredibly unnecessary detail to throw in there. Unless, you know... the call was coming from inside the house. Again, mere speculation!

"She said no nookie until she saw improvement. It may have sounded harsh, but she had to make Blake realize she was serious!" Whoa. What? "He's tried to lose weight before with little to no success. But Gwen put her foot down. She wants him to stick around, and his unhealthy habits were grating on her nerves!" the insider asserts.

Blake Shelton Allegedly Loses Weight For His Wife, Gwen Stefani

The article continues to say how Shelton got his "mojo back" and how he's a regular stallion in the bedroom or something. Listen, I'm a part of an entertainment outlet. I get it. You gotta take what you can get some days if the news cycle is on the slower side. It must stink for Stefani and Shelton, who have been fighting against the court of public opinion for a while now.

First, the couple didn't seem to have much chemistry. Then, "Obviously, they're considering divorce. Have you seen the two of them together? Ugh." Now, "Shelton was a fat slob, and Stefani didn't want to touch him. Seems like their marriage is back on track now that Shelton's eating his vegetables and saying his prayers!"

I'm the last person to echo any pro-celebrity sentiments. In this case, though? Just leave Shelton and Stefani alone. Let them figure their marriage out without outlets needing to hover over them and guess.