Brendan McLoughlin Had A Wardrobe Malfunction At The ACM Awards Nobody Noticed
Photo By Instagram/brendanjmcloughlin

Miranda Lambert's Husband Brendan McLoughlin Had A Wardrobe Malfunction At The ACM Awards Nobody Noticed

"Miranda Lambert's husband" seems like rough luck for Brendan McLoughlin. Sure, he's married to one of the most prolific country music superstars today. But typically, if Brendan McLoughlin comes up in conversation in the public, Lambert's name comes first. Nobody wants to be the "Oh, yeah, and you" in the conversation. Even more regrettable is that McLoughlin's here because of a wardrobe malfunction he had during the ACM Awards this year.

To his credit, at least the pants seem to have held on until the end of the festivities. Unless he's lying and did the world's best cover-up job when taking pictures with Lambert on the red carpet before the event. Oh, look, Lambert had something to say about it in the comment section of the posted photo!

"Free ballin!"

...Okay, that's pretty funny. It's short, sweet, and simple. Comedy doesn't have to be a long, winding road. Sometimes, the less complicated the bit, the better! Let's see what some of the other commenters got! Try and rival that, Instagram!

"Should've worn some wranglers lol" Ehhhhh, y'all can do better. "Even your pants were ready to go night nights." Oh, please. God, can anyone have a half-decent joke in this joint?

"His pants really said 'no need to burn me like she did the wranglers, i'll just rip on my own.'" Ugh.

Miranda Lambert's Husband, Brendan McLoughlin, Takes His ACM Awards Wardrobe Malfunction In Stride

"Looks like he's the belle of the balls." You know who said that? I did, just now. Is it top-tier comedy? No, but it's funnier than the rest of the above pitiful "jokes."

X (formerly known as Twitter) may be a.. divisive social media website, but at least people are funny there. Forget Brendan McLoughlin for a minute, let's have one of our candid talks again. You and me.

As members of the peanut gallery for celebrities, I'm gonna need y'all to do better drive-by comments. You can say Lambert's dress is cute, you can say, "hehe, McLoughlin pants rip, big funny," but I need the comedy geniuses to come out with the high-quality jokes.

Miranda Lambert should not be the funniest person in the comment chain. Y'all let this celebrity be funnier than you? For shame! I expect better next time, Instagram.