Adam Peaty (katacarix / Shutterstock)

British Olympic Swimmer Alleges There Are Worms In Food In Olympic Village In Paris

Mon Dieu! British Olympic swimmer Adam Peaty alleges that the food served to this year's athletes in the Olympic Village in Paris has worms. Yes, that's right - worms. Talk about an "ick" factor! In a city known for its magnificent cuisine, it is ironic that slithery creatures are supposedly in meals the competitors chow down on.

The athletes expected healthy meal choices, not wiggly intruders as Peaty has alleged. His comments have been widely published.

According to the New York Post via iNews, a British outlet, Peaty, who earned a silver medal in the 100m breaststroke, grouses that "conditions in the Paris 2024 Olympic Village are 'just not good enough.'"

You can say that again! We're on the worm watch to give you the lowdown!

Swimmer Adam Peaty Made His Displeasure With The Subpar Food Very Clear

Peaty Supposedly Said There Are Worms In Fish They Are Served

Peaty, 29, reportedly said, "I like my fish and people are finding worms in the fish. It's just not good enough. The standard, we're looking at the best of the best in the world — and we're feeding them not the best."

Meat Dining Options Seem To Be Limited In The Olympic Village

Per iNews, Peaty also complains that the Olympic athletes were "blindsided" by all the difficulties they encountered in Paris. Mediocre food is on that list.

Sustainability and climate considerations are on the menu, it appears.  The Paris Olympic Games reportedly decreed 60 percent meat-free meals for competitors, plus "a third [that are] plant-based." Those rules are evidently upending athletes' usual eating regimens.

"I want meat, I need meat to perform and that's what I eat at home, so why should I change?" Peaty declares.

Peaty Thinks That The Food At The Paris Games Compares Poorly With Other Olympics

He Criticized The Catering

"The catering isn't good enough for the level the athletes are expected to perform. We need to give the best we possibly can," Peaty explains.

Comparing dining arrangements in Paris to previous Olympics, Peaty is disappointed. "Tokyo, the food was incredible, Rio was incredible. But this time around... there wasn't enough protein options, long queues, waiting 30 minutes for food because there's no queuing system."

Per iNews, Olympic organizers said they possess "no information to be able to confirm the specific allegation" Peaty voices. "Team GB [Great Britain] has also confirmed that no reports of worms in food have been made to their staff."