Craig Morgan Says Young People Don't Appreciate Their Freedom
Photo by Jason Kempin/WireImage

Craig Morgan Says Young People Don't Appreciate Their Freedom: "I'm Dumbfounded By It"

Craig Morgan doesn't understand young people these days. The country singer decried that younger generations aren't valuing their freedom. He once explained what the United States means to him, "Freedom — it's that simple."

Speaking with Fox News, Morgan said he's disappointed in the next generation. He said that many Americans take for granted the rights and freedoms that separate America from elsewhere in the world."I see it on TV," he noted. "I see things that people are doing that just make me shake my head in a lack of understanding how they can't appreciate how fortunate we are. I think a lot of that is attributed to a lack of education.

"I'm not calling anybody stupid," Morgan added. "I'm just saying there's some ignorance in the world, in our society, in particular in the states where people don't understand the importance of the freedoms that we celebrate."

In particular, Morgan highlighted college campus protests. He said he felt surprised by the anti-American rhetoric on college campuses these days. It's shocking to him.

Craig Morgan Shocked By College Students

"I see these young folks out there that are doing things, and I just don't — I'm dumbfounded by it," Morgan said. "I can't understand. But, at the same time, I do. And I attribute it again to ignorance. I see these young folks out here in colleges doing things, and they don't even know half of what they're saying."

He added, "If they would just slow down — educate themselves. And I don't mean through the collegiate system, I mean in life. Go visit some of these other countries. And they would understand how free and how fortunate we are to be in this great nation."

Morgan attributes his military service to his appreciation of his freedom.

"I've had that honor and that privilege, most of which I attribute to my time in service in the United States Army," he said. "And now I can say honestly that things that I've got to do in the music industry have allowed me to have a different perspective on how fortunate we are in this country."

Morgan decided to re-enlist in the Army Reserve at the age of 59. That's how much he appreciates his freedom."I spent 17½ years in my early life in the Army," Morgan said. "It is a big part of who I am, what my family is about, what we represent. The love that we have for our country. The passion we have for the freedoms that we celebrate in this nation."