Darryl Worley's Wife Undergoes Surgery After Getting In Devastating Car Crash
Photo by Jason Davis/Getty Images

Darryl Worley's Wife Undergoes Surgery After Getting In Devastating Crash

Darryl Worley's wife recently had to undergo surgery after she got in a devastating crash while the singer was away performing. Worley said he returned home from a gig in Canada to some bad news. His wife got in a side-by-side off-road vehicle crash. It wrecked the vehicle pretty good and injured her arm.

Taking to social media, he wrote, "The last two days have certainly been eventful. I came back from playing a gig in Canada only to discover that my wife had been injured in a side by side crash. When we landed back in the states, that was the first news I received and then the x-ray pictures came through. The Dr. in me didn't like the looks of the break and I figured there was going to be an ortho surgeon in my near future."

Worley began reaching out to everyone he knew for a specialist to treat his wife.

He wrote, "I called my ole buddy Tony Barham to ask about his stem cell doctor in Nashville because I knew that he had worked with the Titans and maybe he could recommend someone. I also called him because my great God Almighty put it on my heart to call my friend Tony. The rest of this story is pretty amazing."

Darryl Worley Details Wife's Injuries

Fortunately, his friend Tony knew a doctor in Nashville who specialized in stem cells and healing these sort of injuries. Worley sent over the pictures and set up an appointment.

He continued, "Tony has a friend, Ethan Kellum, in Nashville who is a Doctor. He works with the TN Titans and he specializes in stem cell procedures that can work toward healing different types of injuries. Tony called him about our situation and immediately he called me back. He was so helpful and I was honestly taken back by how willing he was to help me. I sent him pics of Kimberly's x-rays and before I knew what was happening we had an appointment at Vandy for the following morning between 9:00-10:00am."

Fortunately, the doctor agreed to treat her. They took her to surgery days after the crash. Worley explained, "I prayed that God would help me turn this around fast and he must've heard my request. As it turns out Dr. Obremskey is not just any ole doctor. He's one of Vanderbilts best trauma surgeons and he came in this morning especially for my wife. He set it all up and then they took her in 2 hours ago to fix her badly broken arm."

Worley said he is thankful for the medical staff and that he found someone to help his wife.

He finished, "I am in awe and I sure don't mind telling you why. I don't have a regular job. And I don't ask people for favors. I just knew that my wife would have to go through another major event without me there to support her. I know that my God orchestrated this whole thing. But I'm so blown away by the people he used to do all this. This surgeon is not only a great guy but the whole hospital staff talks about him like he's the very best at what he does."