Dave Grohl’s Ex Tina Basich Accused Him Of Cheating Years Before Baby Scandal
Photo by Matthew J. Lee/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Dave Grohl’s Ex Tina Basich Accused Him Of Cheating Years Before Baby Scandal

Allegedly, Dave Grohl has a history of cheating. An ex of the Foo Fighters frontman accused him of infidelity years before the baby scandal.

Grohl recently admitted he fathered a child out of wedlock. However, his ex Tina Basich said Grohl has a history of being unfaithful. In her 2003 memoir, Pretty Good for a Girl: The Autobiography of a Snowboarding Pioneer, Basich detailed dhow her relationship with Grohl soured.

The two dated for two years in the 1990s. However, Basich learned that Grohl was also dating another woman at the same time.

"The pressure was too much for our relationship to handle," she admitted. "You can only give up so much of your heart and your career and your time and your spirit, and here I was, giving it all up for a guy and losing myself in the process."

She also wrote, "I don't know how anyone in his profession can have a normal relationship with a girlfriend...or two, as it turned out. I found out secondhand, through the grapevine, when it seemed like everyone else in the world knew about it but me."

Dave Grohl Refused To Confront Ex

The betrayal left her feeling both disappointed and angry. She felt very much like a sucker. To make matters worse, Grohl refused to speak to her in person. All she got was a quick phone call with the Foo Fighters frontman.

"Breakups suck. But Rockstar exits are the worst," she wrote. "All I got was a five-minute phone call from him, after five weeks of me calling and trying to get ahold of him because I just had to know if these rumors were true and had to hear it straight from the source."

She said that Grohl then dropped off the planet.

"I went grocery shopping a few days after we broke up and heard the elevator-music version of 'Learn to Fly,' which gave me an instant stomachache, then saw him on the cover of Guitar magazine staring at me in the check-out line," she recalled.

As for Grohl, he later married Jordyn Blum. However, he revealed he cheated on his wife in a public statement.

"I've recently become the father of a new baby daughter, born outside of my marriage. I plan to be a loving and supportive parent to her," announced Grohl. "I love my wife and my children, and I am doing everything I can to regain their trust and earn their forgiveness."