Dolly Parton Meets With Girl Who Beat Cancer In Heartwarming Video
Photo By Jason Kempin/Getty Images for American Greetings

Dolly Parton Meets With Girl Who Beat Cancer In Heartwarming Video

Oh, Dolly Parton. I don't know what angel gave you to us, but we're grateful to have you set the examples we should follow. Parton was walking along, minding her own business. She walks past a family. One of the daughters is holding a sign, saying, "Dolly, your music helped me beat cancer!"

Parton stops immediately. No hesitation, no problem. She calls the child over for a hug and takes pictures with her and her sister. "I'm so happy for you," Parton says. With a smile and a wave, she goes about her day, giving that family a memory they'll never forget.

Do you know how much Dolly Parton's net worth is right this second (this has a point, I promise)? $650 million. If I told you to describe a person worth that kind of money, what adjectives would come up? Snooty. Rude. Arrogant. "Thinks they're better than everyone else." "Forgot where they came from."

Parton makes "F-- You" money. She doesn't have to be humble. Or appreciative. Heck, there are millionaires nowhere near her financial orbit who act far worse and treat people terribly. Yet, this is who she is. So successful in so many ways, yet she's never forgotten the people who helped her amass her wealth. It's unheard of!

Dolly Parton Meets With A Girl Who Beat Cancer, And We Should Remember How Awesome She Is

Per Billboard, let us look at some of Parton's philanthropic endeavors! She's got the Dollywood Foundation, which helped decrease the high school dropout rate in Sevier County, Tennessee, from 35 percent to six percent! Speaking of her efforts in helping children, Parton donated $1 million to the Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She threw in another $1 million for pediatric infectious disease research at the same medical center.

That's only the tip of the iceberg for Parton's efforts to give back to her fans and the world! Truthfully, if she hadn't given so much money to worthwhile causes, she'd likely have hit billionaire status by now. But Dolly Parton would rather make an impact than hoard wealth, and we'll never be able to thank her enough for her amazing career and all the wonderful things she's done.