Did Donald Trump Actually Get Shot? All Confirmed Information
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Donald Trump Opens Up About How Close He Came To Dying: "I'm Not Supposed To Be Here"

Donald Trump has opened up more about the shooting that happened at his Pennsylvania rally on Saturday. The former president confronted his mortality head-on.

Speaking with the press (via Washington Examiner), Trump called the fact that he lived a miracle. That's something a Special Forces vet agreed with. Trump turned his head at just the right moment in just the right position to avoid a fatal kill shot. Instead, the bullet grazed his ear.

"The most incredible thing was that I happened to not only turn but to turn at the exact right time and in just the right amount," Trump said. "If I only half-turn, it hits the back of the brain. The other way goes right through [the skull]. And because the sign was high, I'm looking up. The chances of my making a perfect turn are probably one-tenth of one percent, so I'm not supposed to be here."

Trump felt astonished at how close he came to getting shot in the head. He also said that he shouldn't be there now.

Donald Trump Talks Shooting

"I had to be at the exact right angle," Trump said. According to the former president, he was a fraction of an inch away from being hit. "Because the thing was an eighth of an inch away. That I would turn exactly at that second, where he [the gunman] wouldn't stop the shot is pretty amazing. Pretty amazing. I'm really not supposed to be here."

During the meeting with the press, Trump also revealed that he had a number of red and black bruises. That's from Secret Service members holding him down during the shooting.

"That's just from a guy grabbing me," Trump said. "You know how strong you have to be to do that?" Trump also said it was his decision to walk out on his own after the shooting. "I said, I've got to walk out, I have to walk out," Trump continued. "I did not want to be carried out. I've seen people being carried out, and it's not good. And I had no problem with walking."