10 Year Old Grabs Wheel After Grandfather Passes Out While Driving Down Highway
Steering wheel (Miguel Perfectti / Shutterstock)

10-Year-Old Drake Linn Grabs Wheel After Grandfather Passes Out While Driving 70 MPH Down Highway

A quick-thinking little boy named Drake Linn recently saved his life and the life of his grandfather when he prevented an almost certain accident by grabbing the steering wheel of the pickup his granddad was driving after he suddenly passed out.

According to the New York Post, the vehicle was traveling at 70 miles per hour. The near-calamity happened in Dalton, Georgia on Interstate 75.

Drake's Grandfaher Had A Medical Crisis

Young Drake Linn Showed Amazing Presence of Mind

According to a Facebook post from the Gordon County Sheriff's Office, little Drake Linn of Calhoun, Georgia, was riding in a pickup truck with his grandfather on July 15. They were towing a boat.

When his grandpa, Hugh Cox, 68, abruptly fell unconscious, "Drake was able to take control of the truck and boat and drive it safely to the roadside, and then called 911 and provided precise information for first responders."

Talk about being cool under pressure! That a child so young accomplished what Drake did is nothing short of miraculous. He probably had only seconds to take action - and he did. There was no time to hesitate, and he knew it.

Drake Linn Said He Was Scared But He Did The Right Thing

He Swung Into Action

Drake acknowledges that he was frightened when Cox passed out at the wheel in the middle of a phone call. The New York Post reported via the Washington Post, ""I didn't know what was going on, and I was scared," the youngster admitted.

Cox had been chatting with a colleague when he fainted. That person instructed Drake to call his mom. She told him to take the wheel and steer the truck to the roadside.

What Had Happened To Hugh Cox

He's Diabetic and His Blood Sugar Was Low

His glucose-monitoring device malfunctioned and because of an insurance glitch, Cox could not get a replacement right away. Thus he had no idea that his blood sugar level had plummeted, and he suffered a diabetic coma.

Drake Was Desperate To Help His Grandpa

Drake called 911 to get medical help for Cox after he got the truck stopped and safely out of harm's way. He told the dispatcher, "I'm really scared. I don't want him to die." Luckily EMTs arrived and quickly administered an IV drip. Cox then felt much better and was normally alert.

Cox expressed his profound gratitude to Drake. "I'm real proud of him. He's a good kid."

Young Drake Linn Was Recognized For His Courage

He Was Honored On His 11th Birthday

Drake was honored by the Gordon County Sheriff's Office on July 17. That was actually the boy's 11th birthday. "He received a Citizen Service Award, as well as an Atlanta Braves cap and shirt, and four tickets to a Braves game."

What a great gift! But the best gift of all is saving the life of someone so dear to him.

"That little boy's actions were just extraordinary," Sheriff Mitch Ralston also said.