'Dukes of Hazzard' Star Reveals She Still Wears Daisy Duke Shorts At 70
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'Dukes of Hazzard' Star Reveals She Still Wears Daisy Duke Shorts At 70

Flashback to the 1980s, and there was no piece of clothing more iconic than the Daisy Duke shorts. Dukes of Hazzard star Catherine Bach reveals she still rocks the iconic piece of clothing. You just probably won't catch her wearing them in public.

The 70-year-old revealed that she still wears the Dukes of Hazzard threads in the privacy of her own home. Bach told Fox News she still rocks the shorty shorts. "Only if you come to my house and watch me garden," Bach revealed. "Or at the beach. I'll be honest, at the beach."

She also discussed her surprise at landing a role on the Dukes of Hazzard. The star went into the process on how she became the iconic Daisy Duke on the show.

"Here's the thing - they've been looking for a year for that part," Bach told the outlet. "They went to New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Georgia and California. Nothing. So I said, 'That's very nice of you to think of me, and I know you're doing this as a favor to my husband, but you don't have to.' I just didn't think I had a chance. But he goes, 'I really want you to come in.'"

'Dukes of Hazzard' Star Reflects Back

She added, "A few weeks later, I was at some little Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills with my girlfriend, who directed my one-act play . . . I tell her, 'I do have this interview that I'm supposed to go, but I'm not. . . . You know part Daisy Duke for Warner Bros.? They want me to come in, but I know I'm not going to get it.' . . . She goes, 'It's Warner Bros. You never know who you're going to meet on the way in and on the way out. Just go!' So I went."

"After I did my reading during the audition, there was total silence. I thought, 'Oh no, they didn't like what I did.' Then everyone, we're talking about 30 people, got up and started clapping," Bach recalled. "They just connected with my vision of how this part should be played. Two weeks later, I was on a plane to Georgia."

Meanwhile, the Dukes of Hazzard star said that she would consider doing a reunion if the idea was right.

"Well, you know, shows are a mystical thing at best, because you never know what's going to work and how things are going to click," Bach explained to the outlet. "And you have to have a good writer. It can't just be writing on an idea."

"You have to execute that idea. So, yeah, if everything comes together. Of course," she noted. "I'm still here, the guys are still here. It would be great, but I don't know."