Emmy Russell's Song Choice On 'American Idol' Failed Her
Photo By ABC

Emmy Russell's Song Choice On 'American Idol' Failed Her

Oftentimes, competitions are won by inches rather than feet. This seems to be the case for last night's episode of American Idol with Emmy Russell. Russell — alongside Triston Harper — saw her Idol dreams dashed in an instant as she was eliminated before getting to the coveted Final Three.

Unlike Triston, however, American Idol fans have pointed to some valid cracks in Russell's armor during her two performances.

As the above X (formerly known as Twitter) user implies, Russell has it in the bag for her original songs. Another X user further supports that theory, saying: "Emmy Russell has a great career ahead as a singer-songwriter. This is not because of her grandmother, but because when she sings her own songs, her voice is lovely and she's a storyteller. You don't have to shout and cover yourself in makeup and sequins to be valuable."

This isn't to say Russell isn't a gifted singer — far from it! However, let's relive one of her performances.

Hearing her rendition of "Carried Me With You," you'd be hard-pressed to deny Russell can go on the mic. This particular performance — and to an extent, her spin on "The Climb" — carries a certain absence.

What Went Wrong During Emmy Russell's 'American Idol' Performance?

To start, it doesn't help that the background instrumentals overpower her voice in parts of the song. But the biggest problem that stopped Russell cold lies in a simple observation. The emotion isn't quite there. What you're listening to is a singer who's singing well. But there's that almost intangible oomph that's missing.

The above X post perfectly sums up my point! She's "just singing," whereas her competitors are sangin'. You see the raw emotion in their faces, the punch beneath every note. Most importantly, you can hear the wanting in their voices. Russell didn't quite hit that "next level" during either of her performances.

Which, again, could boil down to a few factors. Maybe she wasn't quite feeling the actual song choices. Maybe the "mouse" Katy Perry described earlier in the season returned as Russell neared the finish line when she needed the lion.

Or maybe she was set up for failure by the mere fact that she's the granddaughter of Loretta freakin' Lynn. Regardless of the outcome (and naysayers), it's clear we haven't heard the last of Emmy Russell!