Patricia Heaton (Joe Seer/ Shutterstock)

‘Everybody Loves Raymond’ Star Patricia Heaton Speaks Out About Lack of Trust These Days

In a post on X captioned "A question...," Everybody Loves Raymond star Patricia Heaton, speaking directly into the camera in a hushed, measured tone, issued a solemn and rather cynical message. She said she can't trust institutions like the media, government, journalists, and also politicians.

She says there is "so much corruption" and also "hypocrisy is on full display."

"Nothing in this world is trustworthy," she says.

Heaton, 66, is clearly skeptical about many of the institutions and individuals who are prominent in our lives. However, she does evidently find solace and constancy in her Christian faith.

Here is her question referenced in the caption. She declares, "If you haven't put your faith in Jesus by now, what are you waiting for?"

Patricia Heaton Founded the October 7 Coalition

Moved by the plight of Israelis affected by the events of October 7 and the anti-semitism in this country, Heaton founded the October 7 Coalition.

In its mission statement, this Christian humanitarian organization states, "We align in the spirit of Isaiah 61, we come to help bind up the brokenhearted, comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion."

She Speaks On Israel

Heaton addressed this topic on Fox News' One Nation.

She said she was "astonished and horrified" by the carnage in Israel on that tragic autumn day in Israel, and she decried the fact that more people aren't jumping in to help in any way they can. Heaton said with resolve, "It is up to us as Christians to do something about it."

Heaton said that in 1939 in Nazi Germany, maybe everyone who was not directly affected was aware of the brutal persecution of Jewish citizens by Adolf Hitler's regime which culminated in the Holocaust.

Now, however, she feels that things are different. She explained, "We know what's going on. It is up to us as Christians to do something about it."

'The Jewish people are feeling very, very alone, and they need to know that we will stand by them."