Fans Send 'Duck Dynasty' Stars Well Wishes In The Wake Of A Tornado Hitting Their Farm
Photo By Instagram/missyduckwife

Fans Send 'Duck Dynasty' Stars Well Wishes In The Wake Of A Tornado Hitting Their Farm

On May 8, 2024, a tornado struck the home of Duck Dynasty's Jase and Missy Robertson in Columbia, Tennessee. All has been relatively quiet on the homefront since the disaster hit the area. However, the couple has been on the receiving end of a groundswell of support from fans.

The Robertsons, as well as the rest of their family, were victims of the natural disaster. Their farm suffered extensive damage, and their middle child, Cole, narrowly avoided what could've been certain death. As Cole was pulling up in the driveway, the tornado had just landed.

"Thankfully, we have a safe room in our garage, but it's on the other side of our home, and Cole decided in a split second that he didn't have time to make it there," Missy explained in a post on Instagram. In a split-second decision that saved his life, he opted to sprint into the house. There, he took refuge in a bathtub amid shattering glass and trees falling on the house.

"After seeing the aerial pictures today, we know now he would not have made it to the safe room as multiple large trees fell between his car and the garage."

Fans Show Their Love And Support For 'Duck Dynasty' Stars, Jase and Missy Robertson

At the time of writing, Missy's Instagram post detailing the harrowing situation has over 17,000 likes in less than 24 hours. "Wow, have a cousin in that area. They are ok too but several houses are damaged. Thankful Cole is ok," one Instagram user said, emphasizing their relief.

"Praise the Lord Cole is safe. [Pray] For your neighbors and community." The tornado tore through the entire city of Columbia, and the exact extent of the total losses isn't yet fully understood.

"Love y'all so very much." The tornado, while ruinous, has affirmed one thing for sure: in times of great tragedy, people will rally behind and support one another. No matter what horrors threaten to darken our days, you can count on love and support — even from the most unexpected places.

Missy couldn't have said it better. "We're thanking God for His protection over Cole today and our sweet neighbors who also took the hit."