Florida Authorities Have Grim Request For Residents Refusing To Evacuate From Hurricane Helene
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Florida Authorities Have Grim Request For Residents Refusing To Evacuate From Hurricane Helene

With Hurricane Helene now a Category 4, authorities are hoping that Florida residents have heeded their warning to evacuate the area. However, if you're staying and refusing to leave, you may very well be on your own.

A Florida sheriff's department issued a grim request for those refusing to leave. They've asked people to write their names and personal info on their arms or legs in permanent marker. That way, authorities can later identify the person's body.

Taylor County Sheriff's Department issued the following on social media.

We are requesting that all residents, guests, and evacuees refrain from returning to the area until officially directed by the Emergency Operations Center. This directive will be communicated via social media, news outlets, radio, and emergency alert systems. Returning prematurely poses significant risks due to expected heavy flooding and other hazards. Many roads will be impassable, and there may be downed power lines, fallen trees, and other dangerous conditions.

  • If you or someone you know chose not to evacuate, PLEASE write your, Name, birthday and important information on your arm or leg in A PERMANENT MARKER so that you can be identified and family notified.
  • We ask that you kindly provide the following information so Search and Rescue teams can prioritize these locations:
  • Is the residence inland or on the coastline?
  • Full address of the residence
  • Your name
  • Name(s) of the resident(s) at this location
  • Number of individuals and animals present
  • Contact information for both yourself and the resident(s)
  • Any additional information, such as a recent photograph of the individual(s), disabilities, special requirements.

Hurricane Helene Evacuations

Meanwhile, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri expressed frustration about people not evacuating from Hurricane Helene.

"We've got a problem, and the problem is that way too many people in Zone A aren't listening," Gualtieri said. "We've been out there this morning, there's just way too many people in the area."

Storm surge is expected to reach five to eight feet.

 "They've got to get out,'' Gualtieri said, "and there's going to reach a point where you're on your own because we're not going to get our people killed because you don't want to listen to what we're saying."