Florida Mom Shared Haunting Photo Before Her Son Allegedly Stabbed Her To Death, A Year After Killing Father
Photo By Instagram/cathygriffith1985

Florida Mom Shared Haunting Photo Before Her Son Allegedly Stabbed Her To Death, A Year After Killing Father

Catherine Griffith was allegedly stabbed to death by her son, Collin, in Florida. Per the New York Post, Catherine was found dead in Auburndale by police. She died due to a deep wound in her neck, caused by a knife. Her 17-year-old son was standing in front of the house, covered in blood.

On Instagram, Catherine shared an ominous photo. The picture depicts a dark sky and a long, twisted bridge. The caption for the post, however, is the most haunting part. "That old familiar body ache, The snaps from the same little breaks in your soul. You know when it's time to go... Sometimes, givin' up is the strong thing."

The post preceding that one celebrated Catherine's 39th birthday a week before her death. It's a post that, in hindsight, is heartbreaking to read. "Yesterday, I turned 39. This last year has been a whirlwind of life events and memories. I am thankful that no matter what I encounter or experience. I have family, friends and a community of people who are here to support me, even on the days when I have not been the best me. Thank you to everyone who has helped me see that life is an adventure worth living and fighting for everyday. Life lessons are just those- lessons. I've learned some of the hardest lessons in my 30's but I'm vowing that my 39th year will be a year of living life to its fullest."

Florida Mother Who Was Allegedly Stabbed To Death By Son Made Ominous Post Before Dying

Collin told police that Catherine's neck wound came as a result of an altercation between himself and Catherine, occurring after she lunged at him with the knife and fell on top of it. However, investigators analyzed the crime scene. It was determined that what they discovered didn't match Collin's version of events.

It was ruled that it was highly unlikely that Catherine's neck wound was "accidental." Furthermore, just before her death, a neighbor reported seeing Catherine and Collin getting into a serious argument. "He opens up the door and there's a few arguments. Don't know exactly what the words were because I was sitting on my front porch," the neighbor recounted to WFLA.

"Next thing I know he grabs her and pulls her inside the house. He just grabbed her — looked like he grabbed her by the hair."