Forgive Me, But I Really Want To Try This Deep-Fried Bubble Gum Recipe
Photo By YouTube/SimpleCookingChannel

Forgive Me, But I Really Want To Try This Deep-Fried Bubble Gum Recipe

I'm so sorry, future me. Maybe I'll look back on this article and be immensely embarrassed by it. But, you know what? What's life without a little insanity? Y'all read the headline: I found a recipe for deep-fried bubble gum. Or rather, I was sent this recipe video by my boss. This initially wasn't a work-related thing, but as I watched the video and formulated some thoughts, I knew. Without further ado? Here's how you can craft deep-fried bubble gum!

Did you watch it? It's only three minutes -- you can knock it out. Now, we can discuss. (Or I can "discuss" in a one-sided conversation and pretend you can actively engage with me!)

Let me walk you through my initial thoughts. When I heard someone was whipping up deep-fried bubble gum, I was disgusted! I, like you, thought, "Is this what we've done to food? We've gone from Kobe beef and Chicken Cacciatore to this?" I'm mortified to admit that as I watched the video, I reconsidered my original stance.

Don't get me wrong: it's not a meal. It's hardly "food," honestly. It's slop -- pure, unfiltered slop with negative nutritional value. But I would try it at least once. I'm sure the comments for this video are nothing but enjoyable and sane!

This Deep-Fried Bubble Gum Recipe Shows How Far We've Fallen

"Okay. But why," one YouTube user states, simple and clean. A valid response! This is an insult to every legitimate chef in any country across the entire globe! ...And yet...

"Guys, I'm trying a new recipe: Sautéed Tylenol pills." This comment broke me. It's such a masterpiece of a drive-by statement. You know, it wouldn't surprise me if people tried grilling their prescription pills. Because they're gross! They should at least season my anti-depressants!

"Am i the only one who found that recipe disgusting? I mean the chewing gum will just get melted and then the deep fried dough (or whatever its called) will just mix with the bubblegum as u chew it."

...I never stopped to consider that. My focus was on the flavor profile -- which makes a little bit of sense in isolation. When I imagine that first bite, with the fried batter intermingling with the gum itself, I feel gross. Thanks, commenter, for snapping me back to my senses!