Hallmark Actress Recovering From Five-Story Hospital Fall
(Image Via GoFundMe)

Hallmark Actress Recovering From Five-Story Hospital Fall

It's a miracle that Hallmark actress Mamie Laverock is even alive.

After surviving a 5 story fall from a hospital balcony in Vancouver, Canada, her mom Nicole Rockmann spoke to the Los Angeles Times to update fans on her daughter's condition. ""Mamie just opened her eyes," she tearfully says. "Let's just hope this is the turnaround and she's going to get through this now. I couldn't be happier that people reached out and cared. The story will be told."

What Happened to Hallmark's Mamie Laverock?

The family declines to disclose exactly what happened when 19-year old Laverock was rushed to the hospital. All that's known is that it's dire enough for her mom to rush to Winnipeg and get the Hallmark actress life-saving assistance.

Afterwards, a GoFundMe was posted in order for fans to fund whatever operations necessary to save Laverock. Shortly after, they place the actress on life support after falling off the hospital's balcony.

Rockmann finds it important to clarify that this isn't a case of suicidal urges, there wasn't any intention on Laverock's end to fall. The family is claiming negligence by the hospital's staff and are taking them to court. In the meantime, she emphasizes the importance of her daughter's recovery. She continues on her call with the LA Times, ""We have a case. All we care about is that Mamie can make a recovery and that she's alive and that she's fighting and that she's strong. It's unbelievable that she's with us."

Her family also details the strength the Hallmark actress has to persevere in her recovery. On the GoFundMe, they write, "Her body has been shattered. She has undergone two 11 hour surgeries with two doctors working on her, a three hour surgery and another surgery today. We have nothing but gratitude for the doctors and nurses who have been exemplary in her care since May 26."

As of now, Laverock has received almost 600 donations, totaling up to $26,770. Her mom suggests that her daughter's story and recovery will be an "extraordinary confirmation of faith." Here's to a speedy and continuously miraculous recovery to the Hallmark star.