brave volunteers helping in hurricane helene
Image: Melissa Sue Gerrits / Stringer/Getty

Heartwarming Video Shows Tennessee Volunteers Hiking To Bring Hurricane Helene Victims Supplies

A heartwarming and encouraging video was posted to X by @Punkness1 showing a group of hikers traversing rough terrain to provide supplies to Hurricane Helene victims. The ground is ruined, the path awkward, but their spirits are roaring.

Hurricane Helene has been a devastating disaster to many throughout the states it hit. The brave volunteers were sending supplies to the victims of flooding in Erwin, Tennessee. The ransacked and upturned ground is a testament to the havoc that's been wrecked in the area.

Ten hikers can be spotted in the video taking as much as they can carry with them. Walking in uniformity, they carefully navigate the battered floor in a display of their determination to help those in need.

Bypassing FEMA to help those in need

The post itself mentions that the hikers are "hiking to bypass FEMA and get to others in need," and that it "doesn't get more American than this."

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is responsible for the coordination of response to a disaster. It seems in the case of poor Erwin, FEMA wasn't performing an upstanding job. So much so that the victims of the hurricane thought to take matters in their own hands.

The comments under the post are in support of bypassing FEMA. Many appear outraged at FEMA's lack of action and believe that it's up to Americans to help Americans. Having to hike through treacherous routes to help those in need is a huge testament of willpower, and displays how dire the situation must be in Erwin.

I'm not there, dear reader, so my opinion on the subject is not one of authority. Whether FEMA is doing a good job or not isn't for me to say. However, I believe in cases of national crisis, one shouldn't have to put themselves in danger to help their fellow countrymen solely due to the government.

If I were able to help, I'd do so without hesitation, and this should be encouraged and supported. Apparently many feel the same, hence the valiance of the volunteers. Helping those in need should never be prohibited. When the spirit of the people is determined to do good, there isn't much that can get in its way, anyway.